Creato da peyton_1976 il 23/12/2008

All I Need Is [One]

At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes -- all you need is one.




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« Messaggio #6GoodBye My Friend »


Post n°7 pubblicato il 19 Gennaio 2009 da peyton_1976

Si è parlato di matrimonio in questi giorni, non il nostro, ma in generale. Abbiamo detto che la convivenza è come il matrimonio, [ se non hai figli ]. In ogni caso la scelta di acquistare una casa, la firma dal notaio per noi ha lo stesso valore della firma per il matrimonio civile. Non sto parlando del matrimonio religioso, quello ormai credo che molta gente lo faccia solo per abitudine, per far contenta la nonna e sono pochi quelli che credono davvero nel sacramento del matrimonio. Io il mio ragazzo non lo voglio sposare. Mi chiedo spesso: "Se ci fosse stata un altra persona al posto del mio ragazzo avrei avuto voglia di sposarmi?"

122/365 # All I need is love (and a new pair of shoes). di ~ielle

There has been talk of marriage these days, not ours, but in general. We said that cohabitation is like marriage, [if you do not have children]. In any case, the choice of buying a house, signed by the notary to us has the same value for the signing of civil marriage. I am not talking about religious marriage, now that I think many people do so only out of habit, to the happy grandmother and a few are those who truly believe in the sacrament of marriage. I don't want to marry my boyfriend. I often wonder: " If there had been another person instead of my boyfriend, would have wanted to marry me?" 

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