Creato da: lucapagni il 21/12/2008
Robert Capa & Il miliziano che cade

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Post n°1 pubblicato il 21 Dicembre 2008 da lucapagni

La storia di Endre Ernò
giovane ebreo di sinistra con idee rivoluzionarie,
esiliato dall'Ungheria del dittatore Nicholas Horthy,
ideatore di un fantomatico Robert Capa
per sfuggire alla politica antisemita voluta da Hitler in Europa...
marito dell'esule tedesca Gerda Pohorylles e amante di Ingrid Bergman,

morto per aver calpestato una mina antiuomo...

è ricca di romanticismo...

ma questi fatti biografici non dovrebbero influenzare l'espressione di giudizi
di merito
relativi alle singole fotografie realizzate dall'autore.

Richard Whelan nel catalogo alla mostra "This
Is War! Robert Capa at Work
oubblicato dall'I.C.P. di N.Y.nel 2007,

ha scritto:

"The image, known as Death of a Loyalist militiaman or simply The Falling Soldier, has become almost universally recognized as one of the greatest war photographs ever made. The photograph has also generated a great deal of controversy. In recent years, it has been alleged that Capa staged the scene, a charge that has forced me to undertake a fantastic amount of research over the course of two decades. (Nota 3)

I have wrestled with the dilemma of how to deal with a photograph that one believes to be genuine but that one cannot know with absolute certainty to be a truthful documentation. with a caption mentioning the doubts that have been raised about its authenticity ?

Has the taint of suspicion rendered it permanently impotent ?

Will Capa's photograph have to be relegated to the dustbin of history ?

As I will attempt to demonstrate here, the truth concerning The Falling Soldier
is neither black nor white.

It is neither a photograph of a man pretending to have been shot, nor an image made during what we would normally consider the heat of battle. "

Richard Whelan mi cita in 3 note:

" 3 For a review of the debates and evidence both pro and con, see the comprehensive dossier compiled by photography critic Luca Pagni at

Proponents of the argument that The Falling Soldier was faked include Phillip Knightley (to be discussed below) and Caroline Brothers; for the latter, see her War and Photography: A Cultural History (London: Routledge, 1997), pp. 178-84."


" 23 Francisco Moreno Gómez, La Guerra Civil en Córdoba (1936-1939), 2d ed.
Editorial Alpuerto, 1986). Ed. note: Richard Whelan was in the process of rethinking this text in light of new information when he died in May 2007, and the editors have here supplemented his argument with relevant documentation. Unfortunately, despite Brotóns's claim, no such conclusive evidence of the date and place of Borrell's death, much less that he was the only member of the Columna Alcoyana to die on September 5, 1936, has been found, by either Brotóns or other interested historians. It does not exist, as previously thought, in Moreno Gómez's study.

Subsequent research in other archives has likewise produced no official documentation of Borrell's death. For example, photo historian Luca Pagni has contacted and received negative responses from several archives, including the Archivo General Militar in Madrid and in Segovia;


see also

for the views of another Alcoy historian, Miguel Pascual Mira , who believes that Federico Borrell was killed at Cerro Muriano on September 5, 1936, but has been unable to locate supporting documentation in any archive. Nevertheless, strong circumstantial evidence does support the identification of Federico Borrell García as Capa's falling soldier, and the date and place of his death as September 5, 1936, at Cerro Muriano." 


" 25 See "

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