Creato da slodigia il 11/09/2006
Alps tour 2006

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Auguri di un felice, sereno e splendido Natale dal blog...
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il 26/12/2007 alle 00:03
Salve a tutti, Napoli Romantica, continua anche in...
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il 28/07/2007 alle 02:15
Well, as a invitee to this "experience of a...
Inviato da: ariobig
il 13/09/2006 alle 22:23
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il 12/09/2006 alle 01:51

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This is an overview of t... »

The planning

Post n°2 pubblicato il 11 Settembre 2006 da slodigia
Tag: begin

After the great 2005 experience, France and myself did everything possible to do it again in 2006. It took almost 1 year of planning and replanning but finally we made it!!
The 2006 team was Ario, France, Louis, Bob, Urbano and myself.
It took a discrete amount of planning in sorting out all the logistics. It has been remarkable the Ario`s nice try of ship all the leather stuff through Fedex, pretending to ship a telco equipment and I still wonder how the warehouse guy figured that out.
Interesting also the southafrican fax technology but I think is more a user issue than the technology itself.
Last but not least I spent a few nights in finding and booking the hotels, the criteria of selection was quite complex:
1. Must have pool and SPA
2. Must be cheap
3. Must be in a cool place.

Mr France had a single requirement:
1. Must be in Bormio.

Unfortunately we never enjoyed the SPA, it was not cheap and was not in Bormio... I felt bad :-)

Rispondi al commento:
ariobig il 13/09/06 alle 22:23 via WEB
Well, as a invitee to this "experience of a lifetime" (as I like to call it), I can definitely say that Stefano's organization and choice of roads were was stellar. I highly recommend anyone to go through some of these mountain passes on a motorcycle. I will post more detailed posts soon.
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