How Much Does the New CCIE Exam Cost?

How much does the new CCIE exam cost? When we say the new version of CCIE, it was also last year thing. Around March 2020, Cisco certification has been reformed. Although it was affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, it has started to get on track so far. Regarding the new version of Cisco certification [spoto online training], we have written a lot of articles to explain to everyone. But there are still a large number of friends who want to learn CCIE, and have some confusionsabout the cost of the new version of the CCIE exam, so today weSPOTO will give you a detailed CCIE exam, how much might it cost.

When it comes to the cost of the new version of the CCIE exam, it mainly includes two aspects. One is the registration cost for the CCIE exam, and the other is the training cost for the CCIE exam. These two costs mainly account for the bulk. In addition, the cost of buying books may be relatively small. But we won’t introduce it here. Now, just let us talk about the registration cost first.

Registration cost for the new version of the CCIE exam. In the new version of CCIE exam, you also need to take a written exam and a laboratory exam. The difficulty of the laboratory exam can be said to be very high. The cost of new version of the CCIE exam will be lower than the old version.

How much does the new version of CCIE need to pay for the exam? The new version of CCIE is actually something from last year. Cisco certification has been reformed around March 2020. Although it has also been affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, so far, the new version of CCIE has also begun to get on track. Regarding the new version of Cisco certification, we have written a lot of articles for everyone to explain and refer to, but there are still a large number of friends who want to learn CCIE and have some questions about the cost of the new version of the CCIE exam. So today, let’s give you a detailed introduction about how much it will cost to take the new version of CCIE exam.

When it comes to the cost of the new version of the CCIE exam, it mainly consists of two parts, one part is the registration fee for the CCIE exam, and the other is the training cost for the CCIE exam. These two costs mainly account for the bulk. In addition, if you go to buy books by yourself, you also need to spend a certain amount of money. But this part of the overhead may be relatively small, so we won’t introduce it here. Let us talk about the registration cost first.

Registration cost for the new CCIE exam. In the new version of CCIE, you also need to take a written test and a laboratory test. Among them, the difficulty of the lab exam can be said to be very high. After the reform, the registration cost for the new version of the CCIE exam will be lower than the old version around dozens of dollars, converted at the exchange rate of “1 U.S. dollar = 7 yuan”. The previous price was about 2050 US dollars, and now it is about 2000 US dollars. For many candidates, the registration cost for this exam is still not low, but the gold content of the CCIE certification is also worth the price. Because the CCIE exam not only needs to examine various types of theoretical knowledge, but also needs to pass lab exams to test the ability to deal with problems, and the content of the CCIE exam will be updated frequently. The current exchange rate does not seem to be relatively low, and the specific price can be converted by yourself.

In addition, if you can’t pass the exam at your first time, you will need to take the exam again, and the re-examination cost must be paid again, so try to pass the exam once is necessary. However, the overall pass rate of CCIE is not high, which is also a performance of its high gold content. Therefore, instead of taking the exam again and paying another time, it is better to participate in the training. After the training, your pass rate can be greatly improved. For example, in SPOTO, the pass rate of candidates for CCIE exam is over 90%. So, how much is the training cost of the new CCIE exam?

The new version of CCIE exam training cost. CCIE training is still very necessary, and the training organization can build a systematic knowledge system for the students. More importantly, training institutions can also create better experimental conditions so that students can better pass the eight hours of CCIE lab exam. As for the training cost of the CCIE exam, it is actually not very low, and there is a little price difference in different directions. There are also many classes of CCIE training, mainly based on personal knowledge base.

If you have no foundation at all, then you need to take the CCIE through train course, starting from CCNA, to CCNP, and then to CCIE. The price of this course is the most expensive, about 2400 US dollars after the event; if you want to learn CCIE theory and lab knowledge, then you need 1830 US dollars; if the CCIE theory can be dealt with, then you only need to learn CCIE lab. After this course activity, it will be 1540 US dollars.

How much does the new CCIE exam cost? If there is no foundation, it will cost 4400 US dollars from learning to exam. If there is a certain foundation, it will be several hundred US dollars cheaper. Although the price is not low, it is still worth learning and taking the exam.