Massage: Deep Tissue of Soft Tissue?

Massage has been used around the world for thousands of years to lower both physical and psychological stress.

Today, research continues to show that massage therapy – whether used alone or in conjunction with other treatments – is an effective way to help treat many common conditions such as arthritis, anxiety and chronic lower back pain.

Deep tissue massage involves the manipulation of the deep layers of tissue in the body, including the fascia and other supporting tissues that make up the muscles and joints.

Most deep tissue massages normally focus on major muscle groups — such as the neck or lower back — along with joints and tendons that are susceptible to straining or injuries. Certain areas of the body that tend to tense up in times of stress, including the shoulders, neck and hips, can often benefit the most from this type of deep manipulation.

A person receiving a deep tissue massage usually lays on their stomach or back in one position, while deep pressure is applied to targeted areas of the body by a trained massage therapist. The massage is beneficial mostly because it helps stimulate blood flow and relieve muscle tension, while at the same time lowering psychological stress and releasing “happy hormones” like serotonin and oxytocin.

The benefits of deep tissue massage include releasing chronic muscle tension, lowering spasms, treating anxiety, reducing arthritis symptoms, lowering blood pressure and improving recovery from injuries.

The whole idea of soft tissue massage is and prevent pain, improve your range of motion, optimize spinal adjustments, aid in muscle recovery, and enhance physical functions.

Research shows there are a number of health benefits that can be achieved when soft tissue massage is performed properly by a professional therapist. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Improved Flexibility: After a long day’s work, it is normal to feel some muscle tension. Soft tissue massage helps to improve overall flexibility and lower the chances of having muscle injury. This type of massage involves stretching the muscle fibres promoting flexibility and maintaining it, so you feel relaxed at the end of a busy and stressful day.

Pain Reduction: Soft tissue massage is known to be an effective way to relieve muscular pain, whether it is caused by injury or overwork. Acute or chronic pain inevitably leaves you feeling low and keeps you from attending to your daily tasks. Soft tissue massage helps you deal with pain effectively: you feel less pain and so are able to perform your tasks better.

Better Circulation:Soft tissue massage therapy helps improve circulation, enhancing your performance levels. This type of massage has great impact not only in blood circulation but also in lymphatic circulation, which means better removal of waste from the affected muscles and more oxygen and food supply.

Decreased Tension: Sometimes stress can get the better of you, making relaxing difficult – so muscle relaxation is important for your well-being. With regular soft tissue massage, you can easily learn to relax your mind and body and improve your overall performance.

Sleep Improvement: Soft tissue massage can help improve your sleep patterns – an important part of the recovery process. If you go to bed in a state of high tension due to vigorous activity, the chances are that you will not get a good night’s sleep. This form of massage reduces that tension, promoting deeper, longer sleep.

First Aid Training: Your Workplace Needs YOU

Accidents happen. No matter how diligent your health and safety procedures are how to cautious your mannerisms, it’s just part of life. But when accidents happen on the workplace, they need to be taken seriously and dealt with. That’s why all relevant parties need to undertake accredited  first aid courses  to ensure safety.

Legal Provisions

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 state that UK employers must provide adequate and appropriate facilities, equipment and personnel to ensure all employees are able to receive first aid attention and are taken into the workplace. In realistic terms what is ‘adequate’ and ‘appropriate’ will differ between organizations, dependent on several factors. Some variables that need to be taken into account when selecting candidates for first aid training in Cheshire are; the size of your organization, history of accidents as well as annual leave of first aiders

On the Front Line

To be a competent first aider, it is not enough to have the right knowledge, executing it properly is what matters and the difference between life and death. Our trainers provide methodical coverage of potential scenarios, from managing unresponsive casualties with abnormal breathing to administered first aid to casualty with suspected head and spinal injuries. Whatever the injury, our trainers stress the importance of thorough aid in all eventualities by assessing the approach of delegates in practical demonstrations. After completing our first aid course, candidates will be equipped with lifesaving abilities and will be ready to take action should an accident occur.

Accidents happen. No matter how diligent your health and safety procedures are or how cautious your mannerisms, it’s just part of life. But when accidents happen in the workplace, they need to be taken more seriously and dealt with effectively to sure up your company legally and to prevent further injuries. That’s why all relevant parties need to undertake accredited first aid courses to ensure safety.

Legal Provisions

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 state that UK employers must provide adequate and appropriate facilities, equipment and personnel to ensure all employees are able to receive first aid attention the moment they are injured or taken in in the workplace. In realistic terms what is ‘adequate’ and ‘appropriate’ will differ between organisations, dependent on several factors.  Some variables that need to be taken into account when selecting candidates for first aid training in Cheshire are; the size of your organisation, the nature and distribution of the workforce, history of accidents as well as annual leave of first aiders.

On the Front Line

To be a competent first aider, it is not enough to simply have the relevant knowledge, executing it properly is what matters and could be the difference between life and death. Our trainers provide methodical coverage of potential scenarios, from managing unresponsive casualties with abnormal breathing to administering first aid to a casualty with suspected head and spinal injuries. Whatever the injury, our trainers stress the importance of thorough first aid in all eventualities by assessing the approach of delegates in practical demonstrations. After completing our first aid course, candidates will be equipped with lifesaving abilities and be ready to swoop into action should an accident occur.

Plaster Coving: With Fullbrooks of England

Coving and cornice moulding are a mainstay with period properties and contemporary properties. alike. We spoke to Fullbrooks of England about the types of coving available and making the right choice.

Size and design

“There are various sizes to chose from for standard coving profiles, the most common being 127mm (5″). These measurements refer to the imaginary line drawn across the coving diagonal from wall to ceiling (not the height or projection).”

“The size and amount of detail in the coving is entirely down to personal preference, and whilst we produce many classic and conventional coving and cornice styles here at Fullbrooks, we also offer a bespoke service whereby we can work from your ideas (be they on paper or just in your head) to create exactly what you want.”

Choosing ornate

“Most house builders in the post war period would install the very simple C-shaped coving simply because it was clean, timeless and low cost – all factors which you should consider when choosing a coving or cornice design. Cornice on the other hand tends to be more ornate and is less uniform in dimensions (though it could potentially still have the same projection and drop).”

“The shape of cornice can be very intricate and complex, hence the need for Master Craftsmen to make sure the end product is nothing less than perfect, as the more complex the design, the more shabby it will look if the craft and skill isn’t there during its formation.”

Velluto a Coste

Durante l'ultimo mezzo secolo, la stoffa che chiamiamo velluto a coste ha subito alcune incarnazioni e numerose rivitalizzazioni in passerella. Mentre molti comprendono visibilmente il tessuto con sentimenti di nostalgia, ogni tanto riemerge per diventare il tessuto del giorno con gli ultimi giovani, i giovani stilisti. 

Mentre i pantaloni da uomo in velluto a coste non sembrano mai scomparire, (grazie alla praticità, alla durata e all'alto numero di varianti di colore disponibili), il tessuto può essere visto utilizzato in numerosi altri capi, dalle costose giacche griffate ai grembiuli stile vintage. Quello che era iniziato come un tessuto principesco è diventato uno dei materiali più amati oggi. 

E sebbene possa sembrare un fenomeno della moda del 20 ° secolo, la sua storia dura in realtà oltre duemila anni. Si pensava che il termine velluto a coste provenisse da una corruzione inglese del XVII secolo del francese "corde du roi" o "stoffa del re", anche se questa teoria è stata ridimensionata. 

Ora si ritiene che il termine sia un composto della parola "cordone", che si riferisce al suo modello a traliccio a forma di riga (o gallone), e "duroy" che era un tessuto di lana usato in Inghilterra. Quello che oggi conosciamo e amiamo come il velluto a coste è emerso nel tardo XVIII secolo a Manchester, in Inghilterra come fabbrica durante la rivoluzione industriale. 

Sarebbe rimasto un tessuto della classe operaia (a volte indicato come "il velluto del povero") per i prossimi cento anni, solo per essere ripreso negli anni '60 da studenti universitari e beatnik che lo indossavano come alternativa ai pantaloni pre-imbottiti e jeans denim del tempo. 

Tra la fine degli anni '70 e gli anni '80, la popolarità dei pantaloni di velluto a coste e persino dei pantaloncini crebbe tra i prep e i surfer - solo per essere riappropriata dai rocker rivestiti di flanella durante l'era del grunge degli anni '90. Quindi, sembrerebbe che probabilmente ci sarà sempre un posto per il velluto a coste. 

Certo, cadrà dentro e fuori moda e sarà ridisegnato, reinventato e recuperato dalle generazioni future, ma c'è qualcosa di rassicurante nel sapere che puoi sentire di essere completamente fuori dal giro quando si tratta di moda, ma quei pantaloni chino in il tuo guardaroba non diventerà mai davvero obsoleto.