Everything You Should Know About Hoop Earrings

What is Hoop Earrings?

Already from the name, you can easily understand that the earrings “Hoop” come from the ancient African tribes. Over the centuries and different eras, they have evolved in their form and design. Today, Hoop Earrings continue to hold a leading position among beautiful and concise silver products.

In Gemistone Jewelers stores, you can find the most various diameters. Craftsmen often make them empty so that the luxurious design of the jewelry does not burden the owner’s ear once again.

The secret of such popularity of Hoop earrings is precisely in their shape, while their design has no limits or restrictions: patterns, engraving, color inserts, and stone inlay.

The History Of Hoop Earrings

History of Hoop Earrings

They were popular among many peoples and nationalities. Both women and men tried them on with their clothes. Different cultures have given hoop earrings a variety of meanings. The ancient Assyrians and Egyptian peoples believed that only persons of high rank and position could wear such serious jewelry.

As the name of the piece of jewelry suggests, it was the Africans who fell in love with these earrings. They gave this shape its name – Hoop Earrings. These earrings are also called “Congo Earrings”.

Oddly enough, but to our mainland, including Europe, hoop earrings came only in the 70s of the 20th century. It was the interest in African culture that inspired the Europeans to try something new in their images. Then, new manifestations of Congo earrings began to appear at designer fashion shows. From minimalist jewelry models to more designer and unique pieces.

More than a dozen years have passed since the disco era, but ring earrings remain at the peak of popularity among movie stars, show businesses, and other famous personalities of our time. They do not have anything superfluous, but at the same time, they successfully provide an accent to the image. The “originally from Africa” jewelry can be easily combined with both an office suite and a sophisticated red carpet dress.

How to choose silver Hoop Diamond Earrings for yourself?

As we mentioned earlier, hoop diamond earrings were popular at a time when the era of freedom and brightness comes to Europe – the 70s and 80s. At that time, it was not the precious metals of silver or gold. Hoop earrings were made of thick plastic or any other non-ferrous alloy.

Now among the current trends are noble and refined metals: gold or silver. If before you have never come across the choice of precious jewelry, hoop earrings, then we have some advice for you. How to properly approach the choice of “silver rings” and what, first of all, should be taken into account.

The color of the metal plays an important role in the correct setting of the image. Of course, silver hoop diamond earrings will suit anyone, but the best and unconditional option is a cold complexion. If you have a warm skin tone or even a slight tan, then it is better to pay attention to the design of silver earrings with some stones or details containing warm bright colors. This will help soften the look.

The size of the earrings is also quite important. After all, here you should be guided by where you put them on or for what purpose. Still, for work or a business meeting, hoop earrings of small diameter are better suited.

This will help to successfully emphasize the owner of the silver jewelry, and also not to add an image of too overloaded details. Already for more festive events: parties, family evenings, anniversaries, etc. You can add interesting patterns of silver earrings, decorations with stones, pendants, and the like.

Large diameter Congo earrings are good to use for summer because during this period a person does not have a lot of clothes. You can afford to wear massive silver jewelry that will give a spectacular summer dress or, for example, a linen suit. While in the cold season, we still advise you to choose something concise. It is important that when wearing hoop earrings in winter, you feel comfortable. Make sure that they are not affected by your sweater or scarf.

Silver Jewelry model:

there is something universal in this regard. Of course, one of the best options is minimalist Congo silver earrings with a diameter of 4-5 cm. They will be a good addition to anything, and also not interfere with the hostess in the process of wearing.

The Hoop Earrings has come to Many sizes:

The hoop earrings come in so many sizes. Such as small hoops, medium diamond hoops, large diamond hoops. We have various types of hoops earrings. Like, Bezel Set Diamond Hoops Earrings, Classic Inside-Out Round Diamond Hoops, Black Diamond Huggie Earrings, Huggie teardrop hoops, diamond solitaire small hoop earrings.

Who suits Congo earrings or Hoop Diamond Earrings?

Meghan Markle's Small Diamond Hoop Earrings

This model is particularly versatile. It cannot be frankly said that there are those people for whom such jewelry will not suit, but on the contrary, there are those for whom they will suit better.

But there are some nuances to which it will not be superfluous to pay attention. This will help you better understand all the features and choose exactly the pair of silver earrings that you will fall in love with once and for all.

Miniature Hoop earrings will suit any girl or woman, regardless of age and appearance. They always look succinctly and advantageously against the background of any image.

We recommend choosing hoop round earrings of medium diameter or the most for young ladies with expressive facial features. They are also perfect for owners of long “swan” necks. Such silver jewelry will only emphasize the advantages of its owners.

For girls with rounded face shapes, it is better to stay on small hoop diamond earrings models. It is the small size of the silver product that will help to “stand out from the crowd” in this way. Gemstone inserts will also look good here. Also, we have beautiful Chunky Small Hoop Earrings for Men.

The oval shape of the face “opens” almost all the possibilities in choosing silver hoop earrings. Any form is suitable here, regardless of the type and special preferences. But still, we advise you to take into account the age and the chosen style of clothing.

How to properly care for Silver Jewelry – Hoop Earrings

There are a few options here. The first of them is to prepare a light soapy solution and place the jewelry there for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse the earrings thoroughly under water and wipe dry with a soft cloth or piece of suede.

There are many “folk options” that will return silver hoop earrings to their former appearance: toothpaste, soda, ammonia, and the like. But our Gemistone Jewelers store advises you to be careful with any of them. It is better to contact a professional workshop, where you will help and suggest how to further maintain the perfect look of your silver hoop earrings.

See also: ” Trends in Diamond Jewelry in the new season: what will be fashionable to wear in autumn and winter 2022-2023″

Different Types of Earrings from which to Choose Yours

How many types of earrings do you know? Surely you also have many kinds in your jewelry box, right? Well, today we are going to tell you some curiosities (although you will know many) that will help you see all the possibilities you have for your ear! Keep reading, we’ll tell you everything! Let’s have a Look at the Which one can Suits you the Best according to your face shape, ear place, and your skin tone. Find out the 6 Different Types of Earrings that suit you the best.

Types of Earrings According to Their Shape

1. Long Earrings

Diamond Fringe Earrings

They are great for the most special occasions because they are more sophisticated. They can fall with a chain or with a larger reason. Without a doubt, they are the most striking earrings.

2. Hoop Earrings

Diamond Hoop earrings

Who do not have this kind of earrings among their basics? And there are so many versions that the possibilities are endless. And now much more because you can wear them alone or combined with many charms that will make you fall in love. Diamond Hoops are one of the celebrity choice for any Parties and events.

3. Button or Pressure

Button or Magnet closure earrings

Small, simple and super versatile. They usually go in the first hole of the lobe, but we can’t deny how great they look in the second and third holes. And it is that there are more and more possibilities and combinations that you can make using these small earrings with a pressure stud closure and with a thousand shapes and colors.

Kinds of Slopes according to the place

4. Ear cuff

Diamond Ear Cuffs

If you want to show off an earring in the cartilage area without having to make another hole in your ear, the ear cuff is for you. In addition, all of Gemistone is perfect to combine with the button or hoop designs of the collection. You will love them!

5. Climbers

Diamond Climbing earrings

Have you ever seen that kind of earrings, although they start at the lobe, go up through the cartilage? Well, those are the climbers, and they are fantastic if you want to bet on a different look that does not go unnoticed. We offer you the customization service for your Wanted Diamond Climbers and Your Trendy version. Small but super flattering.

There are different types of earrings depending on their size and how you can wear and combine them.

6. Ear Jackets

Diamond Earring  Jacket

They are made up of two pieces. The front, which is the one that appears in front of the lobe, and the rear, which is a removable appliqué that appears from behind. We propose the trio ear cuff, ideal for being very minimalist and simple. In addition, it is two earrings in one because you can wear only the front part or both combined… Great, right?

Choice of the shape of the earring according to the shape of the face

If your face has a round shape, your best allies in the ears are tiny earrings, with a square shape. Of course, also the elongated ones that hang and the climbers. These earrings will lengthen your face in perfect harmony.

If your face has an elongated shape, you should avoid large dangling earrings and opt for earrings with rounded shapes. Which are also ideal if your face has a square shape. For the latter, slopes with curves and of course, climbers would also be perfect.

If your face is heart-shaped, it is preferable to avoid round or curved earrings. However, the straight designs are fabulous to highlight the features of your face. For their part, small earrings also turn out to be a good option. And even more so if they can be combined with different earrings located on the lobe and upper lobe of the ear.

Choice of earring color according to skin tone

But we are going to go one step further because if choosing a model is already difficult, choosing its color is even more so. Because it is here when the fight between what is worn, what we like and what suits us takes place. So much so that sometimes we buy small jewels that we love, but that end up being kept in the jewelry box because we don’t know what to combine them with, because they don’t fit our style or simply because we don’t feel favored when wearing them.

Well, you should keep in mind that, if your skin tone is light, both gold and silver will suit you very well. But don’t try the pink tones that will make you pale.

If your skin is dark, without any place the gold will stand out on your features, standing out and making you shine. Although, silver tones are also super flattering on your skin tone.

If the color of your skin is quite pale, without a doubt the silver color will be the color of your jewel by leave. And you should avoid the gold ones to prevent them from taking all the prominence of your factions.

The privileged faces in this category are those with a fair skin tone. They are the ones that have that ideal color that, despite turning pale in winter with yellow tones and even grayish in winter, reappears with the little rays of the sun, until they are tanned. These faces, regardless of the tone they choose for their earrings, will look perfect. Diamond Stud Earrings are Unisex studs which looks best on both women and men. Because ladies and gentlemen… Any color looks great on you!

And now that you know how many types of earrings there are… haven’t you felt like choosing a perfect combination for your looks?

Visit our Website, Go to Google, Type Gemistone.com, Explore our Broad Range of Designer and Trendy Diamond Earrings and choose the mix that you like the most.