Where Should You Place Your Sources Correctly?

Correct citations are essential in any form of writing. Ideally, you want your sources to speak for themselves and, as such, provide evidence for every claim you make. Usually, you’ll be making research for your paper, hoping to get insight into who might have done it. Upon investigation, you can uncover facts that don’t exist in the original source.

Unfortunately, not every student has the time to do all the necessary research. Nevertheless, it helps to understand where appropriate to place your sources. When correcting a text, you may be required to go through the entire quote, looking for examples with alternative translations. It would be challenging, but hey! There are relevant references in your article, and you can learn how to cite them.

Online resources are also another excellent option when it comes to citing a paraphrase. While sourcing the correct text rewrite, you must be keen not to leave out any aspect. Most of these resources are usually free or for sale.

Here are some factors to consider before you use a source.


As the author of the information, it is crucial to acknowledge the authorship of the task. If the request is from a website, ensure that the company has the right to do so. It could be challenging to come up with a reliable source that deduces the work is yours.

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In the same way, it is also imperative to confirm if the website provides the citation on its site. By checking the links to the articles, you can determine if they match the claims stated. A reliable source should have committed to academic integrity by crediting each source used.


It’s relatively straightforward to develop a list of the sources you wish to refer to. However, doing that without enough input from the guideline writer will lead you to miss many things.

Most of the time, you might be tempted to Confirm which source is the best. Regardless of the situation, you must retain the context of the subject in question. A close evaluation of the resource will help you to formulate better arguments.

Uniqueness of References

Some instances require referencing from a different source. Consequently, it is beneficial to give credit to the writers undertaking the data recovery process. Furthermore, it will allow you to credit the individual author whose literature you have derived from. If you do a thorough job, you are likely to earn the full names of the composers.


Useful Resources