Some best listed Full Metal Jacket quotes

When it comes to movies web series web shows and everything that comes under entertaining video content, then we all know very well how dialogues, quotes and scripts do blow life in these projects. Yes, it is true that dialogue and quote delivery is done at the right time in the right manner is also a very important part. But, we still cannot take away or ignore the due credit for the work done on the script.

Also, it depends from movie to movie or from one content to another as to which part of it becomes famous. If we talk about this movie named full metal jacket then yes we need to admit that it is actually for those Full metal Jacket quotes that the movie is actually remembered by people even today. The movie was released in the year 1987 it was directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick. The movie was made based on the 1979 Novel ‘The short-timers. Though the movie has its roots in those years back then but still due to all those powerful impressive quotes coming from it people do pay attention to it in the present times as well.

Here, as per the demand of the topic let us take a closer look at all the best listed full metal jacket quotes, the lines and words which made the movie memorable for thousands and thousands of coming generations.

The first quote that should be noted in this series is “I am Gunnery Sgt. Hartman, your senior drill instructor. From now on you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers is ‘Sir’ Do you maggots understand that”

Similarly, there are more full metal jacket quotes also which are worth remembering, for example in a scene Gunnery Sgt. Hartman says “The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle… your rifle is only a tool. It is hard heart that kills. If your killer instincts are not clean and strong you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become dead Marines and then you will be in a world of sh*t because Marines are not allowed to die without permission”

The movie was not just all about the quotes and dialogues delivered by Gunnery Sgt. Hartman but also other characters in the movie have also delivered a lot that is worth remembering.

One out of those is something that came out from private joker- “The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive”

The next quote worth remembering is “If it wasn’t for dickheads like you, there wouldn’t be any thievery in this world would there?”

Also, it sounds and appears equally impressive when the unarmed colonel in Vietnam said “Son, all I have ever asked of my Marines is that they obey my orders as they would the word of God. We are here to help the Viet- namese because inside every Gook there is an American trying to get out. It’s a hardball world son we have just got to keep our heads until this peace craze blows over”

Another quote from the movie to register comes from the Animal Mother “You talk the talk. Do you walk the walk?”


So, these are all the memorable lines and quotes from the Movie Full metal jacket. It is one of the finest war movies which have been made. The whole cast and crew of this movie started from the director to the writers and the actors all gave their best.