Ease Mental Tension With Yoga For Couples

With today’s constraining routines, irritation and stress are ingrained in the lives of people. Whether you live alone or with your loving partner, you can witness the irritation in the mood when you easily get aggressive over trivial things.

So, to help your out, practice yoga for couples to deepen the bond with your partner. It helps you to have a better understanding of each other, giving you a glimpse of mental and body limits of each other.

What Is Yoga For Couples?

It is a form of yoga where you practice it along with your partner. Moreover, the yoga poses are tweaked in such a way that the participation of both partners becomes necessary. The aim is to help you build a stronger relationship with the other person.

The following are a few other things that you gain by practicing yoga with your partner. Have a quick reading.

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How Practicing Yoga For Couples Help You

Stronger Bond

It is very obvious that when you do something with your partner, it automatically builds a stronger bond. Moreover, any physical exercise helps you know the limits of the other person, giving you a glimpse of their trigger points, or the things they like.

When you practice various yoga poses, you perform postures that require your partner to participate along. Thus, you learn to tag along even if you need to learn things from the very basic.

yoga for couples

Building Trust

Trust is the most important thing in a relationship without which the relationship dies. Therefore, practicing yoga for couples could be a great option in case you think that your relationship with your partner or loved ones is going blank.

There are various yoga poses in which you need support from each other. It means that you are ready to trust your partner when you hit some dark period in your life.

Read More – Topmost Yoga Poses To Strengthen Your Core

Better Communication

To communicate is to convey what you intend to narrate to the other person. When your communication is not up to the mark, there is a birth of various misunderstandings that might ruin your relationship.

Practicing yoga with your partner helps you to communicate more often that helps in diminishing any sort of confusion between you two. Moreover, it further deepens your understanding of each other. The more you communicate, the better you have know how the other person feels or thinks about a certain thing.

Deeper Understanding

When it comes to having a better and loving relationship, understanding plays a vital role. If you can understand what the other person is trying to say whenever both of you confront an uncomfortable situation, you have attained the desired level of understanding with your partner.

Practicing yoga helps you build that sort of understanding. When you do complex yoga postures that require equal participation of both partners, you learn to read how good or bad something can be for the other person.

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Improves Chemistry

Partners usually complain that love dies over time. That might be because they never have done something enjoyable, or something that requires equal participation of both partners. Therefore, when you practice yoga for couples, there is constant physical contact with your partner.

Studies have confirmed that when you have physical touch, you cannot remain mad or angry at someone. Thus, it helps in removing grudges, if any, between you two. In turn, the spark and love never die rather increases by many folds when you practice yoga together.
Wrap Up

Whether you are old or some young, energetic couple, yoga for couples has no boundaries. However, in case you have never practiced yoga in your life and want to give it a try, you can join a yoga retreat for beginners to learn the basics.

Moreover, you get more alone time in a serene and peaceful place when you practice yoga. Over time, you have a healthy and loving relationship.

Time To Lose Some Calories With Yoga For Weight Loss

Looking for a way to burn some calories, but are just not ready to wake up early in the morning and go to the gym? Try incorporating yoga for weight loss in your routine because it is one of the best practices to build muscle strength, decrease cravings, and lose weight.

Let’s say that you have convinced yourself to do yoga, but what you need to understand is that the types of poses that you practice play a major role in achieving the results you are looking for.

So, to help you out in this case, mentioned below is a series of fat burning yoga poses that is a dynamic routine targeted to increase your heart rate and burn fat.

Read More –Recompose Your Physique With Fat Burning Yoga Poses

5 Topmost Yoga Poses To Burn Fat

Downward Facing Dog Pose

Downward facing dog pose is one of the most effective yoga poses that helps in burning fat. It is a great pose for stretching the hamstrings and lower back and strengthening your lower back and abdominal muscles.

Steps To Perform The Pose:

  • Start by standing absolutely straight and look ahead.
  • Stretch your arms over your head and gently bend forward, without putting an unnecessary strain in your back.
  • Try to balance your entire body on your hands and feet while pushing your hips towards the ceiling.
  • Take deep breaths while performing this pose.
  • Bend on one knee if you need some relaxation for a minute or so, then go back to performing the pose.

Upward Facing Dog Pose

Upward facing dog pose is one of the most famous yoga for weight loss poses that comes under the sequence of Vinyasa flow and is also a great pose to build overall body strength. The key here while performing this pose is to make sure that your knees do not touch the ground.

Steps To Perform The Pose:

  • Start by lying flat, your stomach in contact with the yoga mat.
  • Pull your forearms inward and place your hands under the shoulders.
  • Gently tuck your toes in and lift your upper body up on your hands.
  • Make sure your chest, arms, stomach, abdomen, and knees are lifted.
  • Look ahead or upwards while performing this pose.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds and repeat 2 to 3 times.

High Lunge Pose

High lunge pose is a great pose to tone and strengthen your legs and core. While performing this pose, make sure that you sink one of your legs to deepen this fat burning yoga poses. That way you will be able to benefit fully from this pose.

Steps To Perform The Pose:

  • Start by standing in Tadasana, and widen your legs a bit to get into position.
  • Place your hands on your waist and put your left leg 2 to 3 feet forward.
  • Slightly bend your left knee to a 90-degree angle.
  • Place your left knee directly parallel to the left heel.
  • Kick your right leg straight out behind you but don’t use all your body strength while doing so.
  • Stretch your arms over your head and hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

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Warrior II Pose

Warrior II is one of the simplest yoga poses to perform but it is a challenge for your legs. It requires a great amount of dedication and will power to hold this pose. While performing the pose if you feel your legs shaking, then try to pull out of the pose and relax for some time.

Steps To Perform The Pose:

  • Start by standing absolutely erect with your head facing ahead.
  • Widen your legs and face your entire your body towards your right side.
  • As you do this, float your arms up and in level with your shoulders.
    Sink your right knee in to feel the effects of the pose fully.
  • Keep stretching your legs and arms while holding this pose for one minute.

Standing Forward Fold Pose

Although this pose is a great resting pose, the standing forward fold pose is mainly practiced by people who want to tone and strengthen their abdominal muscles.

Steps To Perform The Pose:

  • Start by standing absolutely straight with your arms at your sides.
  • Stretch your arms over your head and try to gently bend forward.
  • Try to touch your toes if possible or else touching the ground is fine either.
  • Make sure to keep both your legs straight, you should feel your hamstrings stretch.
  • Bend your lower back completely, fold your core deeper into yourself, and hold this pose.