
Guest Report - 5 Reasons to Veg-Out This Summer

(Image:graduation dresses 2013)One of the healthiest eating habits you can promote in your family is to eat more vegetables. Let them take the main stage on your plate by loading up with healthy greens and a variety of colorful vegetables.Here are 5 reasons why eating them is so important:· High in nutrition and low in calories, vegetables pack a powerful punch of vitamins and minerals from a whole food source. No package, no processing, no problems!· Veggies are a low cost fuel source for the body. Because they are high in fiber, you will fill up faster.· Eating vegetables is a simple but complex choice. These complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, keeping your blood sugar steady and your appetite under control.· Eat vegetables for the cancer-fighting power of phytonutrients. Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and kale protect against colon, lung and stomach cancer.· Variety is the spice of life! There are hundreds of different types of vegetables and many ways to prepare them. You’ll keep your diet healthy and interesting by eating more of them! Do your health a favor and add more vegetables to your diet to “Feel Better and Live Longer!”.Read more here:formal dresses