2014modetrends - 2014modetrends
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4 Tips to Help You Have the Most Confident Bikini Season Yet!

(Image:short prom dresses)It's that time of year again when the temperature rises, patios and pools open up, and for some of us, our "super self-consciousness" comes out. Why is that? Aren't we supposed to be Summer lovin' in our swimmies? Well you can be! Check out my four tips to help you be bold in…

How to Feed a Vegan Teenager

(Photo:black prom dresses)Teenage vegans have nutritional needs that are the same as any other teenager. The years between 13 and 19 are times of especially rapid growth and change. Nutritional needs are high during these years. The teenage vegan should follow the same recommendations that are made for all vegans, namely to eat a wide…

Why brights are big this season - and how to wear them

(Image:bridesmaid dresses)I should have been concentrating on my downward dog, but last week at yoga, I was distracted by the eye-popping manicures and pedicures of my sister classmates. They’d obviously all received the national fashion memo: brights (in case you didn’t receive it . . .) are in.Almost to a woman, they were sporting vibrant orange and coral…

Is Activewear the New Denim?

(Image:uk bridesmaid dresses)Glenn Murphy is awfully bullish on the company’s activewear brand Athleta. “I think the trends in the marketplace, when it comes to women and, then, when it comes to performance and how they are dressing in general… they just seem to fit hand and glove and this is a brand that’s resonating for…

What vitamins should you be taking?

(Photo:vintage prom dresses uk)A visit to any vitamin shop or grocery store aisle can easily confuse anyone on what your body really needs.We went vitamin shopping with registered dietitian and author Monica Bearden to get the low down on which supplements are best for you."Some supplements make sense, others make claims that aren't necessarily supported…

5 Healthy Food Pairings to Supercharge Your Diet

Batman and Robin; Regis and Kelly. Like all good duos, be they heroes or TV personalities, each complement the other oh-so-well. Surprisingly, the same holds true for food. While some ingredients are perfectly healthful on their own, they’re nutritional gangbusters when combined with the right sidekick. “Pairing foods can help us obtain a synergy from…

How weight-loss evangelism makes women fat

(Photo:red prom dresses)There’s a particularly weird mix of messages out there, particularly those geared towards women. Most of us start out with a healthy relationship to food, eating three-ish square meals a day, not overthinking it. This is clearly the right and natural way to do itBut instead we are encouraged us to see food…

Is wine really good for you?

(Image:pink prom dresses 2013)“Wine is good for you” proclamations go way back. Further than the 1991 “60 Minutes” report that the wine-loving French live longer than Americans despite a higher-fat diet, more smoking and less exercise. Even further than Thomas Jefferson’s declaration that a tariff on wine is “a tax on the health of our…

Self-control cannot be outsourced

(Image:cheap bridesmaid dresses uk)If you thought opening a joint account with your thrifty wife would restrain you from frittering away money on luxuries, you may be building castles in the air.How a couple succeeds or fails in saving money through joint endeavours depends on levels of self-control of both partners, not one, a new study…

Sugar Is Not the Enemy

(Image:bridesmaid dresses uk)Since its release in theaters on May 2, the anti-“Big Food” documentary Fed Up has received plenty of media attention and praise. Through stories and expert commentary, the film, narrated by Katie Couric, strives to bring attention to the underlying causes of youth obesity—and places the blame squarely on added sugars. For this…

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