End-consumer market

Getting hot in the summer, fires in Beijing showed a rising trend, home appliances started the fire became the focus. Some users tend not to notice routine electrical maintenance, eventually only to repent after the tragedy. When using the refrigerator, it is important to note whether the refrigerator display location reasonable, easy refrigerator cooling. But also need to check the power of the family, is grounded, is a dedicated line, especially for fridge power socket.Driven by many factors, tile top end of the market has been developing rapidly. It is understood that the new products this year than last year, have increased more than twice times. To this analysis in the industry, this is because most domestic enterprises for the domestic high-end market focus this year with results. "But there is one industry bubbles! "Insiders concede road. According to reports, the current tile manufacturer distributor sales of overreliance on various regions of the country and promote their products, manufacturers and their products in brand communication channel to an abrupt end when you reach the agents on one, did not sink to the end-consumer market, and thus cannot be established as in home appliance brand.For the EU this chicken really is tasteless, discard it. Domestic two large export area Guangdong Kaiping and Fujian Nanan between large enterprise basically full withdrawn, therefore we in here fundamental not worth inputs also not worth research, because foreigners put tax are nail died has, so Enterprise profit appeared significantly fell is inevitable of, and foreigners also introduced series of of products detection standard is limit China bathroom enterprise cannot into European, only said foreigners really of Centennial is not variable, and had Boxer of shameless ugly of real surface degrees and has what different points? Funny thing is, some people refer to Westerners as highly qualified people, you've seen foreigners littering causes a mess not of tourist destination? Entire 1250 image blind screaming Kiss they ass.