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Per quanto riguarda gli omogeineizzati non ti so dire... non so se ne esistono di vegetariani. L'importante è che i bimbi seguano una dieta vegetariana..come è consigliato dai migliori pediatri...."...Vegan Children: Healthy and HappyChildren raised as vegans, who consume no animal products, including meat, eggs and dairy products, can derive all the nutrients they need for optimal growth and health from plant-based sources. Children not only don’t need animal products, they are much better off without them.Fast Food and Heart DiseaseMany children who are raised on the typical British diet of cholesterol- and saturated fat-laden fried fish, pies, pizza and chips show symptoms of heart disease when they are as young as 2 years old: According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, at least 60 per cent of children and young adults have early atherosclerotic (hardened artery) damage.(1) While animal products contain cholesterol, large quantities of saturated fats and no fibre, plant-based foods have no cholesterol and are generally low in fat, so children who are raised as vegans have a lower risk of heart disease than their meat-eating counterparts. In the latest edition of his book Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care, the late Dr Benjamin Spock noted, ‘Children who grow up getting their nutrition from plant foods rather than meats … are less likely to develop weight problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some forms of cancer’. A vegan diet has other benefits, too. For example, vegans tend to maintain a more desirable weight than meat-eaters.Millions of people in the UK suffer from foodborne illnesses every year – some with fatal consequences – and meat, milk and eggs are largely responsible.(4) As many people do not report cases of food poisoning, the true figure is thought to be much higher.A vegan diet also protects children from the pesticides, hormones and antibiotics that are routinely fed in huge quantities to farmed animals and from environmental dioxins, mercury and other toxic substances in our environment, all of which concentrate in animals’ fatty tissue and milk...."*"...allo stato delle conoscenze scientifiche attuali, non solo sia possibile, ma vada sostenuta la scelta di un'alimentazione vegetariana nel bambino: non solo è compatibile con le indicazioni dei LARN (Livelli di Assunzione Raccomandata dei Nutrienti), ma nei primi due, tre anni di vita dovrebbe venire raccomandata come la più fisiologica e salutare...:"*"...La dieta vegetariana è appropriata anche per i bambini?Diete estreme, come quella frugivora o quella crudista (esclusivo consumo di vegetali crudi), sembrano associate a problemi di sviluppo. Sono quindi assolutamente da sconsigliare. Diete ben bilanciate latto-ovo vegetariane o anche vegane sono, invece, persino raccomandate. Ad esempio, la posizione ufficiale dell'American Dietetic Association e Dietitians of Canada afferma che: "Diete vegetariane durante l'infanzia e l'adolescenza possono aiutare a stabilire abitudini sane di nutrizione per tutta la vita e offrono alcuni vantaggi nutritivi importanti".