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This cruel parting had begun

she saidwith an air of profound distress. Cheap NFL Jerseys I have gone beyond the last limits ofmodesty… I am a woman who has forfeited her honour; it is true that itwas for your sake Her tone was so melancholy that Julien embraced her with a happi-ness that was quite new to him. It was no longer the intoxication of love,it was extreme gratitude. He had just realised, for the first time, the fullextent of the sacrifice that she had made for him.Some charitable soul doubtless informed M. de Renal of the long visitswhich his wife was paying to Julien's prison; for, after three days, he senthis carriage for her, with express orders that she was to return immedi-ately to Verrieres.This cruel parting had begun the day ill for Julien. He was informed,two or three hours later, that a certain intriguing priest, who for all that480had not succeeded in making any headway among the Jesuits of Bes-ancon, had taken his stand that morning outside the gate of the prison, inthe street. It was raining hard, and outside there the man was trying topose as a martyr. Julien was out of temper, this piece of foolishnessmoved him profoundly.That morning he had already refused a visit from the priest, but theman had made up his mind to hear Julien's confession, and to make aname for himself among the And the lower orders, always curious spectators of a scene,began to assemble in crowds.'Yes, my brethren,' he said to them, 'I shall spend the day here, and thenight, and every day and night from now onwards. The Holy Spirit hasspoken to me. I have a mission from on high; it is I that am to save thesoul of young Sorel. Join with me in my prayers,' etc., etc.Julien had a horror of scandal, and of anything that might attract atten-tion to himself. He thought of seizing the Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys opportunity to escape from theworld unknown