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to create a strong impression upon the populace. Cheap NFL Jerseys Inher folly she thought of making them revolt, to save Julien on his way tothe scaffold. Mademoiselle de La Mole imagined herself to be dressedsimply and in a manner becoming a woman stricken with grief; she wasdressed in such a fashion as to attract every eye.She was the sole object of attention in Besancon, when, after a week ofsolicitation, she obtained an audience of M. Frilair.Great as her courage might be, the idea of an influential head of theCongregation and that of a profound and cautious rascality were soclosely associated in her mind that she trembled as she rang the bell atthe door of the Bishop's palace. She could barely stand when she had toclimb the stair that led to the First Vicar-General's apartment. The loneli-ness of the episcopal palace chilled her with fear. 'I may sit down in anarmchair, and the armchair grip me by the arms, I shall have vanished.Of whom can my maid ask for news of me? The Captain of Police willdecline to interfere… I am all alone in this great town!'Her first sight of the apartment set Mademoiselle de La Mole's heart atrest. First of all, it was a footman in the most elegant livery that hadopened the door to her. The parlour in which she was asked to wait dis-played that refined and delicate luxury, so different from vulgar magni-ficence, which one finds in Paris only in the best houses. As soon as shecaught sight of M. de Frilair, who came towards her with a fatherly air,all thoughts of a dastardly crime vanished. She did not even find on hishandsome countenance the imprint of that energetic, that almost wildvirtue, so antipathetic to Parisian society. The half-smile that animatedthe features of the priest who was in supreme control of everything atBesancon, betokened the man used to good society, the cultured prelate,the able administrator. Mathilde imagined herself in Paris.Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys It needed only a few minutes for M. de Frilair to lead Mathilde on toadmit to him that she was the daughter of his powerful adversary, theMarquis de La Mole.