Bloodbath's Fortress

Biting the face of the Beauty

My only answerto the others' beautyis their destruction,their annihilationwith no mercyonly with pain. Scar their realitysfigure serenityburn peacebring death to themOmicide come with Us. Beauty without painhas no reasonto exist, to be alive,sweetness is crueltyI was born too lateto bite the good. Now I take the awful,and use It fullyworship the imperfect,accept the impureworking insanelyto breaking every certaintythe Eyes of the Beautyare full of blood,for that's my world,I'll turn you intoa sweetful nightmarethen I'll slay you. We have no purityno sweetness, no serenitynow we'll bring toxicityburning realityrotten realityfull of grey lieswe're bringing riotthe dark rebellionthat'll break the worldthat'll annihilate the systemand nowyou'll have the purity,beauty and serenitybut having fought for themto death and over,all life alongor hard enough.