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Marsa Alam ... Shark attack !

Pare impossibile ma ogni volta è la stessa storia ... behh ... mi direte un attacco di squalo fa sempre notizia ... cosi' il daily time sbatte uno squalone bianco con primo piano dei denti in prima pagina e titola : (LINK)Tourist dies in Egypt's first fatal shark attack in five yearsBy Daily Mail ReporterLast updated at 1:14 AM on 03rd June 2009A female French tourist was attacked and killed by a shark while diving in a remote site off Egypt's Red Sea coast today.It was the first fatal shark attack in the Arab country for five years, state media and a French embassy official said.The woman's leg showed visible bite marks, and medics said she probably bled to death before being lifted to the surface.
A French female tourist has fallen  victim to the first fatal shark attack in Egypt for five years. She was diving off the Red Sea coast when it happened (file photo)French embassy spokesman Jean-Marie Safa said: 'I can confirm that there is one French citizen killed by a shark in the Red Sea south of Marsa Alam.'Marsa Alam is a remote southern dive spot on the Red Sea coast frequented by tourists hoping to avoid the crowds at more popular sites in the Sinai peninsula, where tourists flock in large numbers for the colourful coral reefs.'This very rarely happens. It seems that the victim aggravated the shark or presented it with food, which caused a change in the shark's behaviour,' Amr Ali, the president of the Society for the Preservation of the Red Sea Environment, said.Sharks are common in the area and tourists often take pictures, but attacks are rare. The last person killed by a shark in Egypt was reportedly attacked while snorkelling near the Sinai resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in 2004. Egypt's Environment Ministry is looking to set up a natural reserve for the sharks near Marsa Alam, where it already has a similar reserve for dolphins.Invece La Notizia ufficiale degli organi di controllo egiziani ... dice ....Egypt's Chamber of Diving and Watersports (CDWS) can confirm that a woman died followed an attack from a shark which occured on the morning of Monday 1 June at St Johns Reef in the southern Red Sea.The French woman had been on a diving safari holiday on board the boat Le Nautile when the incident took place. A number of boats were moored at a reef. A group of about 20 snorkellers was observing what is thought to be an oceanic white tip shark approximately 2.5 - 3m long The woman is reported to have moved away from the group and some distance from the reef then ducked dive down towards the shark. On surfacing she was bitten on the leg and was still in contact with the shark as she was pulled onto the boat. Once on the boat, the casualty lost consciousness and died soon after.The boat returned to the Port of Hamata, where other members of the group were interviewed by police and statements were taken.Initial investigations revealed last week that two safari boats had been involved in feeding sharks in this area. Investigations by both the National Park and CDWS are already underway and if the allegations are found to be true, the boat operators will face severe penalties that may involve suspension from operating and heavy fines. Shark feeding is a serious violation of Red Sea rules, and an act that can severely disturb the sensitive marine eco-system and behaviour of marine animals.Quello che chiamano "Oceanic white tip shark" e' comunemente chiamato "longimanus" o "Carcharhinus longimanus" ed e' realmente una specie pericolosa , il fatto che venga spesso confuso con lo "squalo pinna bianca del reef" (Triaenodon obesus) che e' notoriamente molto meno agressivo puo' portare a disastri del genere.Da voci che girano pare comunque che la presenza dei longimanus nei reef al largo di marsa sia oramai costante ... La cosa è assolutamente anomala vista l'alta temperatura dell'acqua e l'unica spiegazione e' lo scellerato comportamento di alcune barche per turisti che per attrarre la loro presenza "pastura" le acque con avanzi di cibo ...Di fatto ci sono voci insistenti sia di avvistamenti che di piccoli incidenti ( ferite a mani e braccia di guide subacquee..)  ...  Qualche info sugli squali longimanus .... dire di più ....Occhio alla Pinna .... sub ! .... °°°°_0-)  BigBlueDive