Black Angel

Post N° 342

Domande in sospeso che non trovano risposta, pensieri sconnessi che traducono sensazioni confuse.Lo spazio intorno a noi si offusca e si contorce, creando figure distorte che riflettono il nostro inconscio.Hai mai guardato in faccia la tua paura.... TU ?
All that is, was and will beUniverse much too big to seeTime and space never endingDisturbing thoughts, questions pendingLimitations of human understanding Too quick to criticizeObligation to surviveWe hunger to be alive (Twisting, turning, THROUGH THE NEVER) All that is, everEver was, will be, everTwisting, turning, THROUGH THE NEVER In the dark, see past our eyesPursuit of truth no matter where it liesGazing up to the breeze of the heavensOn a quest, meaning, reason Come to be, how it begunAll alone in the family of the sunCuriosity teasing everyoneOn our home, third stone from the sun