
Post N° 94

III parte24 novembre 2008 BEATIFICAZIONE dei Servi di Dio PIETRO KIBE KASUI, sacerdote, e 187 COMPAGNI, martiri Nagasaki , Stadio Prefettizio di Baseball12 January 1629 in Nukayama, Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 158. LUCIA IIDA [ルチア 飯田] (wife of no. 147) layperson of the diocese of Funai; married born: ? in Nukayama, Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 159. CRESCENTIA ANAZAWA [クレシェンティア 穴沢] layperson of the diocese of Funai; married (wife of no. 144) born: ? in Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 160. ROMANUS ANAZAWA MATSUJIRO [ロマノ 穴沢 松次郎] child of the diocese of Funai (son of nos. 144 and 159) born: ca. 1615 in Nukayama, Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 161. MICHAËL ANAZAWA OSAMU [ミカエル 穴沢 治] child of the diocese of Funai (son of nos. 144 and 159) born: ca. 1618 in Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 162. MARIA YAMAMOTO [マリア 山本] layperson of the diocese of Funai (wife of no. 146) born: ? in Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 163. URSULA YAMAMOTO [ウルスラ 山本] child of the diocese of Funai (daughter of nos. 146 and 162 ) born: ca. 1626 in Nukayama, Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 164. MAGDALENA ARIE [マグダレナ 有家] (wife of no. 147) layperson of the diocese of Funai born: ? in Nukayama, Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 12 January 1629 in Hanazawa, Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 165. ALEXIS CHOEMON [アレクシス 庄右衛門] layperson of the diocese of Funai; married born: ca. 1603 in Hanazawa, Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 166. CANDIDUS “BŌZU” [カンヂド 『坊主』] child of the diocese of Funai (brother-in-law of no. 165) born: ca. 1615 in Hanazawa, Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 167. IGNATIUS [イグナチオ ] child of the diocese of Funai (nephew of no. 166) born: ca. 1628 in Hanazawa, Yonezawa, Yamagata (Japan) 28 July 1633 in Nishizaka, Nagasaki (Japan) 168. MICHAËL KUSURIYA [ミカエル 薬屋] layperson of the diocese of Funai born: ? in Nagasaki (Japan) 31 July 1633 in Nishizaka, Nagasaki (Japan) 169. NICOLAUS FUKUNAGA KEIAN [ニコラス 永原 慶安] professed religious, Jesuits born: ca. 1570 in Nagawara, Azuchi, Nagasaki (Japan) 21 October 1633 in Nishizaka, Nagasaki (Japan)
170. IULIANUS NAKAURA [ジュリアン 中浦] professed priest, Jesuits born: ca. 1567 in Nakaura, Nagasaki (Japan) 30 January 1636 in Kumamoto (Japan) 171. OGASAWARA YOSABURŌ GEN’YA [小笠原 与三郎 玄也] layperson of the diocese of Funai; married born: ? in Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 172. OGASAWARA MIYA LUISA [マリア 小笠原 みや] layperson of the diocese of Funai; married (wife of no. 171) born: ? in Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 173. OGASAWARA GENPACHI [小笠原 源八] layperson of the diocese of Funai (son of nos. 171 and 172) born: ? in Kokura, Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 174. OGASAWARA MARI [小笠原 まり] layperson of the diocese of Funai (daughter of nos. 171 and 172) born: ? in Kokura, Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 175. OGASAWARA KURI [小笠原 くり] layperson of the diocese of Funai (daughter of nos. 171 and 172) born: ? in Kokura, Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 176. OGASAWARA SASAEMON [小笠原 佐左衛門] layperson of the diocese of Funai (son of nos. 171 and 172) born: ? in Kokura, Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 177. OGASAWARA SAYUEMON [小笠原 三右衛門] layperson of the diocese of Funai (son of nos. 171 and 172) born: ? in Kokura, Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 178. OGASAWARA SHIRO [小笠原 四郎] layperson of the diocese of Funai (son of nos. 171 and 172) born: ? in Kokura, Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 179. OGASAWARA GORO [小笠原 五郎] layperson of the diocese of Funai (son of nos. 171 and 172) born: ? in Kokura, Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 180. OGASAWARA TSUCHI [小笠原 つち] layperson of the diocese of Funai (daughter of nos. 171 and 172) born: ? in Kokura, Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 181. OGASAWARA GONNOSUKE [小笠原 権之助] layperson of the diocese of Funai (son of nos. 171 and 172) born: ? in Kokura, Buzen, Fukuoka (Japan) 182. A SERVANT [召使い] OF THE OGASAWARA FAMILY layperson of the diocese of Funai born: ? in (Japan) 183. A SERVANT [召使い] OF THE OGASAWARA FAMILY layperson of the diocese of Funai born: ? in (Japan) 184. A SERVANT [召使い] OF THE OGASAWARA FAMILY layperson of the diocese of Funai born: ? in (Japan) 185. A SERVANT [召使い] OF THE OGASAWARA FAMILY layperson of the diocese of Funai born: ? in (Japan) 25 February 1636 in Ōsaka (Japan) 186. DIDACUS YŪKI RYŌSETSU [ヤコブ 結城了雪] professed priest, Jesuits born: ca. 1574-75 in Awa, Tokushima (Japan) 06 November 1637 in Nishizaka, Nagasaki (Japan)
187. THOMAS OCHIA (KINTSUBA) JIHYŌE (THOMAS OF SAINT AUGUSTINE) [トマス・デ・サン・ アグスチン金鍔 次兵衛] professed priest, Augustinians born: ca. 1602 in Ōmura, Nagasaki (Japan) 04 July 1639 in Tokyo (a.k.a. Edo) (Japan)
188. PETRUS KIBE KASUI [ペトロ 岐部 かすい ] professed priest, Jesuits born: ca. 1587 in Kibe, near Urabe, Ōita (Japan) competent diocese: Tokyo and others CCS protocol number: 1985 type of cause: martyrdom nihil obstat: 02 September 1994 opening of diocesan inquiry: closing of diocesan inquiry: validation of diocesan inquiry: 02 May 1997 consignment of Positio to CCS: 2004 session of historical consultors: 07 December 2004 meeting of theological consultors: 05 May 2006 congregation of CCS cardinals and bishops: promulgation of decree on martyrdom: 01 June 2007 beatification: 24 November 2008