
A proposito di Latte Equino

Ci giunge questa nota che pubblichiamo con solerzia:Università degli Studi del MoliseDIPARTIMENTO SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AGRO-ALIMENTARI AMBIENTALI E MICROBIOLOGICHE (diSTAAM) Elisabetta M. Salimei, ND, PhDNutrizione e Alimentazione AnimaleEAAP Meeting 2010 Chairperson Horse Commission  Campobasso, February 13rd 2010 Dear Friends and Colleagues, I would like to let you know that the 2010 EAAP (European Association for Animal Production) Annual Meeting this year will take place in Heraklion (Crete, Greece) from 23 to 27 August, 2010. This year a session of the meeting within the Horse Commission activities  will concern “Equine milk for human health” and I will chair it on August 23rd. A special emphasis will be given to the use of milk as health food and non food. Several  communications are expected; among the Authors (lectures):Prof. P.F. Fox ( Emeritus, Cork University/Ireland) Prof. E. Anifankatis (Emeritus, Athens University/Greece) Dr. B. Langlois (INRA – Jouy-en-Josas/France)Dr. C. Drogoul (France)Prof. F. Martuzzi (Parma University/Italy)and myself (but you already know most of my talk). Moreover, the Horse Commission is organising a one-day Workshop (August 26th) on the “Role of Equids on Human Wellbeing”. The Workshop will be structured into 3 specific sessions: •Therapeutic rehabilitation: social aspects  and physical handicap, Chair: Ritva Kjaldman (Finland)• Safety in horse management, Chair: Goran Dalin (Sweden)• Leisure activities promoting human wellbeing, Chair: Jim Flanagan (Ireland). Other parts of the 61st EAAP Annual Meeting could be of interest for you, your field of interest or your company. Please visit the website for the entire programme of the event or contact or for details on special sponsorships for the sessions (exposition of products, etc..). I think this is a great opportunity for you and/or your company to participate at this meeting that involves over 900 colleagues from all over the world.Looking forward to seeing you in Greece, I enclose my best regards.Yours sincerely, Elisabetta M. Salimei