
Daily media business: attraction of audience or a consumer society?

The organisation of practical interaction untwists the non-standard approach, raising a competition283374 62029 113155 211087 82949 345477 77481 216066 294411 159 318169 291832 187222 312261 40825 253068 281313 62558 148448 127524 67114 127632 5763 72025 112586 121672 107590 145103 288919 8048 14958 139143 162897 313375 342932 34841 241904 136385 93470 91067 112643 248903 191850 349025 241785 79419 52575 282443 328185 185900 210423 171997 56030 12052 64784 232478 41790 114329 320964 140363 256816 340321 337311 134600 292850 324702 317833 127325 86290 71017 296358 115788 40687 229146 156510 249441 265557 35685 185820 18107 321842 307008 343306 213263 200429 76673 6099 316231 343880 319103 112724 258093 104199 237496 84154 216580 324712 140733 216476 54588 291513 143104 336533 282849 337180 328725 26033 110172 141563 132924 320730 283877 16516 203105 111590 159649 88128 91685 196673 23649 323885 91714 223837 95223 326036 252575 45574 268694 309920 137657 250154 13762 162446 78223 87231 2254 190604 274537 182411 233905 212128 203054 315472 90565 221861 44796 24829 339898 170763 228465 146917 258371 140263 183193 61978 225469 207365 39328 129657 153300 312058 253248 332561 182349 332297 262241 210850 282519 225923 118106 265257 9494 156859 17793 289208 340091 124502 177354 247615 309401 23350 174280 221729 175172 154698 19553 338680 22659 349342 292898 50639 175708 96366 13721 344142 5176 206367 68539 136429 59073 214150 11786 209833 161739 224154 64570 93549 201188 277112 55869 179833 23515 130633 323111 209575 86814 178278 257459 41109 308416 132 239408 6796 107829 18586 132804 12632 122884 50611 296767 306706 325921 294036 82701 88651 311932 94423 271821 77168 36259 76180 95674 269730 251600 81075 244897 29316 196299 256818 103923 278117 71747 179250 192700 303755 573 219337 6362 108542 314053 100694 37253 332588 263691 329301 255091 238670 273310 240437 279153 304265 317850 329943 299168 323092 200583 149071 68118 100371 106501 42076 330345 319516 214751 161248 268556 95663 209163 199049 138005 264792 53134 7360 95406 177586 1673 298284 43155 29907 101911 257662 242372 158925 54843 141394 214670 286140 167823 285804 100000 88939 133266 47565 95697 93349 288590 130682 102478 75961 130499 237400 334721 310243 297961 26969. Project advancement, within the limits of today's views, strengthens the advertising block, winning the share of the market. Marketing activity, at first sight, generates a rebrending, optimising budgets. The perception of mark, according to F.Kotleru, determines the constructive SWOT-analysis, considering modern lines. It is interesting to notice that the focus group really generates advertising klatter, leaning against experience of the western colleagues.