
Stylus For iPad Review –

I just get the new iPad with a new stylus for iPad, have no idea if I got the best stylus, from the smooth writing and drawing, it should be kind of, well, just share you the details reviews…. Writing Ability: The ability to write easily, accurately and smoothly is a key point of a stylus for iPad, there is no more improvement need to be done on this stylus for iPad, it don’t need to press harder with then stylus to make a marking, not only gives it a great accuracy, and writing nicely, never have the mistake to miss dotting the letter “I” or crossing the “t” because it could register the writing accurately even it have a crayon style. Weight: Based on the aluminum material, it’s heavy yet not overly heavy, just the right weight for a stylus for iPad, to the opposite, it feels more like a real writing instrument, much better than you hold a plastic stylus and you could write it magic, this is the best feeling I’m looking for…. Thickness: This stylus for iPad is a little bit massive than my former stylus, with the hexagon shape, makes you feel like you’re holding a crayon pen, yet it don’t make you fell it’s awkward, for I have a little bit big hand and more get used to have a big size stylus.. Length: From our habit of using a pencils and pens, the most comfortable is it extend beyond the crease between the thumb and pointer finger and some sorts of hangs outside, this will allow the writing tool sit in the hand and proceed smoothly, if not this way, you will feel it’s a little awkward, this stylus for iPad is of an  ideal length and keep in line with the golden length…. Scores: At last, I will recommend this stylus for iPad for it don’t need a lot of push to register on the iPad and also feels good in hand, what’s move, never feel the awkward, bulky, even more, no drags a bit as you’re typing something. Anyway, this is my private opinion and hopefully helps everyone……More details: