
Master Knight in The Skills and Application of Ice

Elements enhance and ring also gives a better power / slow (light / ice skills) potential so Imirs / Shios / fire ring is a must, if you want to hurt your opponent more or hit some of the Knight skills ( mob hit and miss some of the reasons for the difficulties, the second permanent building Master will do some strange reason, destruction of different varieties) on the AP staff is also very particular, if you use 42/72 of staff weapon(Knight Gold).Interpretation of your base can have a duration of skills, but their field goal, missed a new extension chaos, it also gives you a better mana is helping to increase impact, rather than multiple skills level(Knight Powerleveling) such as regular investment pot. Your MP is your base of thugs and members of Congress PK increased damage bonus (jewelry, etc.), not to damage only in the peak exra with the mob exping. 2 cents worth, because of the recent play of fun and exping noobs 80 ice / light mage (with a light / ice mage 83, and try to fire / ice and with it).Master's difficult because Ardream decided to have several versions of how to get support for the Master. A full 8 / 9, and then place the adequate interpretation / Congress Lobo hammer 7 and 71 STR Shield (7 in your situation is good) and the rest horsepower (obviously this will increase your horsepower and your AC), other people will use the dark red 7 / 8, but also a need for more interpretation of towear, thereby reducing your hp / communication, self-released pop One Oasis / chaos / scorching officers Crystal 8 / 9, has a staff of Oasis 7 / 8. This gives you the best of both worlds. a reasonable hp / AC and the need for good damage.Recommendation is to try various items (old items are cheap enough for testing out) and see what you like best and what suits your style.