
Information on Carnac world in Knight

The world of Carnac is resilient population of Humans and Orcs has endured and overcome much hardship in Knight. If you are in urgent need of some cheap knight gold, welcome to place orders from us, we will deliver the gold at the lowest price in an instant. But it was a vastly devastating plague which would forever alter the face of the world. Not even Carnac's eminent seers could predict the origin or momentum of this mysterious epidemic, for which there was no cure. The seers did, however, foretell of a great King who would lead a nation out of the plague darkness.The world's dwindling population, desperate for any glimmer of hope, clung readily to this prophecy. Both of Carnac's two great nations, Karus (the nation of Orcs) and El Morad (the nation of Humans), believed they would receive the miracle savior King, much to the chagrin of the currently ruling and divided Councils. The prophecy fostered envy and distrust among Council members. Thus begun subterfuge and the Era of Corruption and Assassination. Would you like to buy professional Knight powerleveling? If so, please come here and our website will never let you down. Just feel free to contact us at any time.