
Knights of persistence and the advantages of the bow wave

Rich chat. Red blue and green points clear at least (Knight Gold). Charming picture.Which are picturesque at O ~Various types of maps to choose from.Both MLD, or DLW. Which where cool.The diversity of characters.Ronin Warrior Mage worship,boredom can wash a magic war stroll. Stall function of humanity.After I put felt like a hawker was.Leveling of fun.MLD cut maggots also cut the relish.Excellent PK. Fast fingers trace is NB. Grand scenes.PK did not say the country alone, the country stations are everywhere exciting.Team spirit. A person is not drop, the collective strength of very big ah!Knight - the advantages of the bow waveKnights of the bow wave of the advantages of playing more than four years, there has been a lot of friends complained that the bow wave bow wave so garbage, why? Because the bow wave of the attack is not strong, killing bad mood, playing BOSS weakness, in fact, every occupation has an advantages and disadvantages, the bow wave is the same, be prepared to wash the point of friends to look at the advantages of the bow wave,Knight Noah leaving the country war, siege warfare.There are more good end archer with a large force of attack, defense bar. . .① Application leveling and skills: the skills of the bow wave is divided into: Through the Eye (leveling and kill the mobs of the most important) rocket (continuous additional damage, in fact, much good) Poison (Yinguai best friends, along with monster You have to run) precision (did not learn in the Hawkeye, the country running in the battle to hit the person) Trina (my halo, and Through the Eye of this trick is almost hurt, but the big blue) Lake month (straight line attack is running in a bad hit, but to save Blue) Triple (close small, blue-saving power is also large) five companies (damage is very abnormal, but the thing with blue or large) Eagle Eye (good move, ah, But that is blue has been consumed, pain ah) leveling Needless to say, for instance Canada Warriors bar, bow wave tends to be used mandrel after use with ZR, wait until after the blue and then add a good mandrel, it does not blue , the power of good, but some people say troll.DUY faster, but that is five to triple or even Yes, even more than running around Leia, or standing still as the waves hit the bow, head do not faint, feet do not acid, a long time do not drink Red Bull, How nice.② money: bow and waves kid and snakes also make money is very powerful ~, boy you hit another kid can make money and parts, available to the joint bit, maybe a fifth set of joint or something, then you. . . . . Not to mention snakes, more money, there is a large blue, what kind of job needs Yeah, good luck, maybe a diamond sharp, Clay, Bharti, and even high volumes. . . .③ Single State War PK: war in the country single PK, because it is far from the bow wave of attacks, and attack speed, or possession of certain advantages. Bow wave can not stand there and VS soldiers have been shot, he's high defense, blood and more, with the red and blue are your 2 to 3 times, you want to stand there shooting?Or advise you to study Chairman Mao's tactics, he chases you run, running and shooting, he ran chase you, while not playing chase, playing him to death, unless he / village. Bow wave bow wave VS too cruel to rely on the power of Congress and the defense who is high you, but no one knows better than the first shot is not far away, each to a nearly even now, but what this country say no to a good fight, you can Yeah strange side went bad,knight online gold like dead king, 54, etc., so that monster hit him, you go to be a supporting role, he will not fight you, unless he wanted to swap out the contributions or the experience, the results are generally bow GAME OVER VS Dao Lang Lang is the key to your bow wave of the defense to say how much in the end, if you can afford to live out his 600% +400%, and that generally you win, as though he strong, but the skills of a long recovery time, with finished 4-5 after going to the rest or the skills to stop the attack to restore the skills, this time he was either run away, or choose ZR, if he ZR. You is not cool even through five, and hey, you bow wave VS range than his Master far faster than his speed, and defense than his high blood, shot ah, well the shot he is not dumb, then both the general win. VS bow wave of blood and sacrifice defense for JS are high, you certainly have to close five with friends. After using the skills he needs to stop, you see, he stopped and was about to raise their hands when E can be disrupted by an attack of his, he not hit you anyway, have it your way.④ State warfare, end with the siege warfare: bow waves guided in large units, often as a pioneer, for the attack, the castle is a very effective defense of the enemy, even if they have been besieged, shot by the bow wave is also out can gradually control the situation, such as the siege warfare of the wall above the bow wave of attacks in the above can be relatively large for the defense, coupled with the NPC and the tower of the defense, the bow wave can be said that the best defense in the siege warfare used professional friends.⑤ Others: such as the bow wave of the attack operation is relatively simple to use Hawkeye generally far, even with five Yinguai recent results Ye Hao, put a good use poisoned arrows PS: Actually, the bow wave is a very great importance to the operation job, But more than good equipment is essential, the power of the bow wave is relatively average, generally a little bit, and the swords as weapons, are relatively high,knight online noah but it is not as high Dao Lang, so that the key is to ensure that defensive line the case of a continuous fight to the enemy that is the best!