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Excavations at Helwan – A Summary Prof. Christiana Köhler Chair of the Institute of EgyptologyThe University of Vienna  Monday, December 20, 20106:00 PM Reception to FollowAhmad Pasha Kamal HallSupreme Council of Antiquities (SCA)3 el-Adel Abu Bakr Street(at the intersection of al-Malak al-Afdal Street)Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt Tel: + 2/02 2736-5645Parking Available Helwan, located on the east bank of the Nile river to the south of Cairo, is the largest cemetery of the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3200 – 2700 B.C.E.). Macquarie University of Sydney has been investigating this site under the directorship of E. Christiana Köhler since 1997 in order to shed light on the material culture, chronology, funerary architecture and customs, as well as economy and bio-archaeology of a necropolis where the majority of inhabitants of the first capital city of Egypt, Memphis, were buried. This lecture will provide a summary of some of the major results achieved so far.