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Messaggi del 22/07/2011
Post n°898 pubblicato il 22 Luglio 2011 da diegobaratono
L'"Accademia del Pizzocchero" organizza per Mercoledì 17 Agosto, alle ore 21, presso la sala/incontri "Oratorio di Teglio" del "Centro Tellino di Cultura", la serata di presentazione in anteprima nazionale del libro "I segreti delle antiche carte geografiche. Simbologie mariane e cartografie per il Nuovo Mondo" di Diego Baratono e Claudio Piani. Durante la serata verranno proiettate immagini in esclusiva. Seguirà il dibattito.
Post n°897 pubblicato il 22 Luglio 2011 da diegobaratono
Da:"ScienceNews Quantum theory gets physical New work finds physical basis for quantum mechanics Web edition : Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 Physicists in Canada and Italy have derived quantum mechanics from physical principles related to the storage, manipulation and retrieval of information. The new work is a step in a long, ongoing effort to find fundamental physical motivation for the math of quantum physics, which describes processes in the atomic and subatomic realms with unerring accuracy but defies commonsense understanding. “We’d like to have a set of axioms that give us a little better physical understanding of quantum mechanics,” says Michael Westmoreland, a mathematician at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. Quantum theory’s foundations currently rest on abstract mathematical formulations known as Hilbert spaces and C* algebras. These abstractions work well for calculating the probability of a particular outcome in an experiment. But they lack the intuitive physical meaning that physicists crave — the elegance of Einstein’s theory of special relativity, for instance, which says that the speed of light is constant and that laws of physics don’t change from one reference frame to the next. Giulio Chiribella, a theoretical physicist at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario, Canada, and colleagues based their approach on a postulate called “purification.” A system with uncertain properties (a “mixed state”) is always part of a larger “pure state” that can, in principle, be completely known, the team proposes in the July Physical Review A. Consider the pion. This particle, which has a spin of zero, can decay into two spinning photons. Each single photon is in a mixed state – it has an equal chance of spinning up or down. The pair of photons together, though, comprise a pure state in which they must always spin in opposite directions. “We can be ignorant of the part, but we can have maximal knowledge of the whole,” says Chiribella. This purification principle requires the quantum phenomenon known as entanglement, which connects the parts to the whole. It also explains why quantum information can’t be copied without destroying it but can be “teleported” — replicated at a distant location after being destroyed at its point of origin. Building on this principle, Chiribella and colleagues reproduced the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics with the aid of five additional axioms related to information processing. Their axioms include causality, the idea that a measurement now can’t be influenced by future measurements, and “ideal compression,” meaning that information can be encoded in a physical system and then decoded without error. Other axioms involve the ability to distinguish states from each other and the ability of measurements to create pure states. “They nail it,” says Christopher Fuchs, a theoretical physicist at the Perimeter Institute. “This now approaches something that I think is along the lines of trying to find a crisp physical principle.” “What is simple or physically plausible is a matter of taste,” says Časlav Brukner, a physicist at the University of Vienna in Austria who has developed an alternative set of axioms. Some speculate that recasting quantum theory in terms of information could help to solve outstanding problems in physics, such as how to unify quantum mechanics and gravity. “If you have lots of formulations of the same theory, you’re more likely to have one that leads to whatever the next physics is,” says Ben Schumacher, a theoretical physicist at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio.
Post n°896 pubblicato il 22 Luglio 2011 da diegobaratono
Da:"" Small volcanoes add up to cooler climate Airborne particles help explain why temperatures rose less last decade Web edition : Thursday, July 21st, 2011 COOL ERUPTION Active since 1995, Soufrière Hills in Montserrat (shown in a 2009 photo taken from the International Space Station) is one of several small volcanoes that have spit cooling sulfur particles high into the atmosphere in the last decade. Along with sulfur emitted by coal-burning power plants, volcanic particles spewed high in the atmosphere reduced the amount of global warming otherwise expected during the 2000s, a new study finds. Relatively small volcanic eruptions last decade sent sulfur high enough in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and help stall a rising global temperature trend. The work, reported online July 21 in Science, suggests it doesn’t take a colossal eruption for volcanoes to have a discernible influence on climate. “If you don’t include these stratospheric aerosols in the models, you’re going to overestimate how much the temperature should have increased over the past decade,” says team member John Daniel, an atmospheric physicist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, Colo. Scientists had known that aerosols cool the planet, and that big eruptions spew lots of aerosols up high. But nobody had calculated how smaller recent eruptions might affect climate, and many had assumed that stratospheric aerosols from volcanoes dropped essentially to zero after particles from the 1991 eruption of the Philippines’ Mt. Pinatubo fell out of the atmosphere. Daniel and his colleagues, led by recently retired NOAA atmospheric scientist Susan Solomon, looked at aerosol measurements taken from satellites and from the Mauna Loa observing station in Hawaii. The researchers traced aerosols to several small eruptions, including those of Soufrière Hills in Montserrat and Tavurvur in Papua New Guinea, both in 2006. “This gives us a clearer picture of the effects of smaller volcanic eruptions,” says Alan Robock, an atmospheric scientist at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J. Manmade sulfur emissions may also account for some of the aerosols the team saw, Daniel says. Using computer models, the researchers calculated that aerosols from all sources cooled the planet by 0.1 watts per square meter during the 2000s. In comparison, the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide warmed things over that span by 0.28 watts per square meter. The factors that cause such warming and cooling effects are known as forcings. The new work “again points out that if we actually do have all the forcings correct, then our ability to reproduce and anticipate the resulting climate responses is actually very good,” says Caspar Ammann, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder. Daniel’s paper ties into recent work by Robert Kaufmann of Boston University and his colleagues (SN: 7/30/11, p. 17). That group statistically analyzed why global temperatures didn’t rise as much as expected between 1998 and 2008, and concluded that sulfur from coal-burning power plants in Asia was mainly to blame. The NOAA work “gives additional support to the conclusion that increased sulfur emissions can explain the recent hiatus in warming,” Kaufmann says. Daniel’s team is now working to sort out the relative contributions of volcanoes versus power plants. In the short term, though, “models from here on out are going to have those volcanoes,” he says.
Post n°895 pubblicato il 22 Luglio 2011 da diegobaratono
Da:"" IL PONTE INDIA - SRI LANKA Indolink propone delle foto satellitari recentemente rilasciate dalla Nasa che sembrerebbero confermare l'esistenza di un ponte "ormai sott'acqua e estremamente antico" che unisce l'India allo Sri Lanka attraverso lo stretto di Palk. La sorprendente regolarità della struttura, lunga una trentina di chilometri, tende a suggerire la più improbabile delle ipotesi, e cioè che sarebbe un artefatto umano. Peggio, lo si sapeva già. L'epica indù conosciuta come il "Ramayana" racconta infatti la costruzione all'alba dei tempi di un ponte corrispondente alla descrizione da parte del semi-dio Rama, uno dei dieci avatar di Vishnu. Secondo la tradizione però, ciò sarebbe avvenuto più di un milione settecentomila anni fa. Here are links to NASA Image Gallery: