
(CYMI, CRWE, IDCC, SLXP) Notable Stocks by DrStockpick.com

Crown Equity Holdings, Inc. (CRWE)Crown Equity Holdings Inc., together with its digital network of Websites, offers media advertising, branding and marketing services as a worldwide online multi-media publisher. The company focuses on the distribution of information for the purpose of bringing together a targeted audience and the advertisers that want to reach them. Its advertising services cover and connect a range of marketing specialties, as well as providing search engine optimization for clients interested in online media awareness. Crown Equity Holdings Inc. (CRWE.OB) announced today that it has launched CRWE Tube, www.crwetube.com, a video sharing site that allows billions of people around the world to upload watch and share original videos. "The CRWE Tube team has built an exciting media platform, which allows people and businesses large and small to quickly and efficiently reach a vast new audience," said Kenneth Bosket, President of Crown Equity Holdings Inc. "With online videos continuing to experience explosive, viral growth and the web rapidly moving from text to video, businesses will need to adapt to the shift in video distribution technology or quickly become irrelevant to their consumers who anticipate seeing video everywhere online." Read the article with full Disclaimer: drstockpick.com/?p=23068**************************************************************************THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDATION TO BUY OR SELL ANY SECURITY!Disclaimer: Never invest in any stock featured on our site or emails unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. DrStockPick.com publisher and its affiliates and contractors are not registered investment advisers or broker/dealers. Our disclaimer is to be read and fully understood before using our site, reading our newsletter or joining our email list. Release of Liability: Through use of this website viewing or using, you agree to hold DrStockPick.com report and Crown Equity Holdings Inc. CRWE, its operators, shareholders, employees and/or contractors harmless and to completely release them from any and all liability due to any and all loss (monetary or otherwise), damages (monetary or otherwise) that you may occur. (Read more at http://drstockpick.com/disclaimer) .Rule 17B requires disclosure of payment for investor relations. Crown Equity Holdings, Inc. (CRWE.OB) is a newswire as well as an IR and PR firm. Crown Equity Holdings Inc. (CRWE.OB), in some cases, provides media advertising and public awareness for both public and private companies, as well as disseminating news. As such, in some cases, when Crown Equity Holdings Inc. (CRWE.OB) advertises for a particular client, Crown Equity Holdings Inc. (CRWE.OB) charges an advertising fee which it must disclose under 17B. The fee may be in cash, in free trading stock or in restricted stock. Crown Equity Holdings Inc. (CRWE.OB), if paid in stock, can and may sell those securities during the advertising period.