DELIRIO - A tale of anybody di Paolo Sassaroli

Delirio Paolo SassaroliA Tale of AnybodyPart 1 I was up. I was on one of the many hills which litter the Marchegiano countryside. I felt the weight of my body. The evening before I had drunk nearly a whole bottle of Rosso Piceno and I'd eaten a pizza capricciosa. Mentally, I was almost free of my neurosis and my feelings felt discreetly warm. I decided to have breakfast before I shaved. I was dressed elegantly in comparison to previous days. I only dress like this when I go to see my psychotherapist. My psychotherapist is a lovely woman in her seventies. Even at this age, she still maintains an air of feminility and reminds me of a woman from the 1800s.My life has been marked by various mental upheavals, not lived through completely before I met her.I have passed through various phases and emotional states which I love living to excess and without reason.Part 2It was 9.30 in the morning and, driving along in an old car, worn out by the many roads it had passed along, I headed with my questions on how to live towards the doctor's studio ...The Sunday before, I had spent the day with my friend, Marina, and her daughter, Flavia. We had gone to the chocolate festival in Perugia. It was Marina's birthday that day and, every so often, she got birthday messages on her phone. As we went through the Appenine part of the Marche, she talked to me about her life, her uncertainties, her loves, while her daughter, Flavia, listened to old songs recorded by her grandmother on an MP3.We passed the time pleasantly and, from time to time, I cut out small mental spaces in my head to think about my own existence, the things that had happened, trying to make a small coherent plan of the past.I was a slim, blond boy who sometimes put on weight around his stomach. I wasn't really bothered. When I did put on some weight, I felt proud because I thought I was filling some of the physical space I otherwise lacked.At that time, you communicated using technology.I didn't really like that as I am quite direct. When I want to get to know someone, I ring the bell of their house. That way of meeting people was quite successful. I met Monica this way. Monica had worked in a bar that I went to. I rang her bell with my friend. After she let us in, she offered us something to eat.