ENGINN - Descrizione spazio-temporale della percezione del nostro sistema di riferimento
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Hymnos te Nemese

 Nemesis: la Dea che ci impedisce di essere come vorremmo.....

Tachyon collapse


Gayatri Mantra V2

 Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha Tat Savitur VarenyamBhargo Devasya DhimahiDhiyo Yo nah Pracodayat

Tehillim, Steve Reich - Part 1 - Tehillim, Steve Reich - Part 2


John Cage - 4'33" by David Tudor

 "....I have nothing to say and I am saying it......"...... 

Green Tara Mantra (108 Repetitions)


Agalloch - Sowilo Rune




Robert Fripp - Soundscapes (live)



 'Icarus' performed by MGT - Wolfgang Muthspiel, Slava Grigoryan & Ralph Towner

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