
Eva... pensiero...

Eva Mendes
It's fun to be a woman. It's fun to flirt and wear makeup and have boobs
I feel I'll take on the responsibility of showing the world a whole different kind of Latin woman
I don`t go to premieres. I attend film openings I`m in, and that`s about it. Fame and celebrity doesn`t matter to me. The longevity of my career does.
The celebrity world can be so ugly. Everyone seems to have slept with everyone else and it`s some sort of strange weird cycle. I don`t want to get into that.
I have the hugest . . . overbite. It`s so big, my older brothers and sisters used to call me "Bugs". I looked like a bottle opener. But I`ve never fixed my bite because it`s one of the things that makes me me. I used to get teased about the mole on my lef...