
Jessica... pensiero

Jessica Alba
The scripts I get are always for the whore, or the motorcycle chick in leather, or the horny maid ... I don't think this is happening to Natalie Portman. - da Rolling Stone, July 2005
As a girl, I was always told I was nasty or dirty if I was sexual in any way. Americans are such prudes. - da Rolling Stone, July 2005
Young women should pave their own path. I find it quite confining to live up to anybody else's expectations of who you should be. - Marie Claire Magazine, March 2008
There’s no such thing as a perfect guy. I think it would be strange if somebody was absolutely everything you always wanted, because then there’d be no challenge. Also, you’d feel inferior. If somebody is that perfect, how can you not think of yourself as being so imperfect next to him? I think people are perfect in their imperfections. -  Maxim Magazine, Nov. 2003
Parents try the best they can. They want the best for you. But a lot of their stuff is just their own. If you can pull yourself away from it and not always feel like they're attacking you, then it's easier to deal with. - Marie Claire Magazine, March 2008
There's a lot of pressure on women to fulfill certain fantasies. They expect you to be a little bit of a tart, to flirt with all the men. A lot of women do it. But I'm not doing that. I talk with these guys about their wives and kids right away. When they say inappropriate things, I let them, because boys will be boys, but I'm not looking to participate in their conversations. -  Marie Claire Magazine, March 2008