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At the end of Alex Gibney's not-quite-finished documentary about Julian Assange and Wikelaks FOR THE GLOBE  The Overlord of WikiLeaks the story “We Steal Secrets” JULIAN ASSANGE MAN OF THE YEAR 2012A screen crawl describing the fate of the Army intelligence analyst Pfc. Bradley Manning, Finito per il debutto al Sundance Film Festival nel mese prossimo, "We…


To Economic RecoveryTHE FOUNDATION HAS BEEN LAID In order to ensure that the financial system will not be an obstacle ha dichiarato Joaquín Almunia, "EU's competition commissioner" commissario dell'UE. "European Union competition regulators" le autorità europee di regolamentazione dell'Unione europea Giovedi hanno firmato € 1.87 miliardi di Euro in aiuti in "recapitalization aid" ricapitalizzazione per…


Four years later, the financial crisis has dissipated and the president himself has become more sure-footed in economic policies and politicsTREASURY'S NO. 1 CLIENT?But his choice of a Treasury secretary to replace Mr. Geithner, who has said he does not wish to stay for a second term, is still extraordinarily important. Il presidente Obama ha…


The President called Speaker J.A.Boehner to the White House to try to move talks forward to avert a year-end fiscal crisis, In A Trench Warfare TO WORK OUT A DEAL TIME RUNNING SHORT even as pessimism mounted that a broad deal could be struck that bridges the substantial gap between the parties on taxes and…


President Obama's insistence that marginal tax rates rise for families making more than $250,000 has convinced millions of affluent Americans that they are likely to be writing larger checks to the government next year but many of those families have ON MARGINAL TAX RATE RISE NO REASON TO FRETA close look at the president’s plan…


With President Obama insisting on higher tax rates for affluent Americans and winning public support for the idea, since a standoff over expiring tax rates CONTEMPLATING A FALLBACK POSITIONCongressional Republicans on tax rates find themselves in an increasingly difficult political spot and are quitely beginning to look for a way out Obama ha chiarito in…


Seven months after the election of François Hollande as president of France in Europe’s perpetual power game RESHUFFLING THE CARDS It also reflects a fraught process of rebalancing power to accommodate Germany’s greater political heft and economic clout Il raffreddamento dei tradizionalmente stretti rapporti franco-tedeschi è in parte un passo intenzionale dal signor Hollande, un…


This week, E.U. countries will meet to discuss the terms for a single supervisor for banks, the first stage of a banking union they should devise a more decentralized model for banks CENTRALIZATION WILL UNDERMINE NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTYNot only are there alternatives to an integrated regulatory structure for the zone’s 6,000 banks, but conventional wisdom has…


During the first term, foreign policy was very White House-centered. described as smart, loyal, earnest, combative, certain of her views and not particularly worldly If Obama plans a similar second-term set-up would be RICE A NATURAL FIT She is known to be very close to the president He has made clear that he is prepared…


About potential appointments for President Obama’s Second-term appointments are PRESIDENTIAL DO-OVERS They give a president a chance to name cabinet or agency directors who can breathe new life into their departments Prendiamo, per esempio, Timothy Geithner, presto-in-partenza segretario al Tesoro. Tutto sommato, Geithner non è stato un cattivo segretario. In piccola parte per causa sua,…

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