Aion - Aion
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And then went to tasks then finished first Aion

Just come out directly aion gold went to the small village, all the way to casually kill a few are blaming two ~~ To the village to pick only two tasks. Do first a quest to ensure that the the thieves regiment food task (the task difficulty of the new how much we all know,…

Of Aion Coser Xuandong stores AMD-Asus games hot experience

Reporter recently learned that AMD ASUS and Shanda announced the end of September tripartite formal strategic cooperation,aion goldthe first batch of ASUS AMD K Series Aion Extreme game this has been gradually Distribution in the country, into the various supermarkets sold. While AMD, Asus also launched a large-scale dissemination activities in the line of the…

Aion --- Shengda Guan gaming

Into the Abyss world of Aion,aion goldopen, powerful demon imprisoned in the Abyss world dragon class is awakened, and began their revenge on the world. A around between angels, demons and dragons epic battle Storm. To accomplish the mission of saving the world, players embark on a long journey ... you may Mozu a ...…

AION must know the skills

Rose to 30 last night,aion goldthe equipment is still relatively garbage, weapons, clothes, pants, shoes are 18 =Then completed a 31's mission to get a green weapons, fairly good, but with 19 weapons to attack almost 19 weapons +9 Spend another 120,000 to buy a Stigmata Stone, CD10 seconds, 15 seconds team personnel plus 100…

Aion money Raiders

The time off really fast,aion goldI have four days of closed beta experience. The on-line at 4:30 on March 29. Offline time on March 30 at 5:00 am The log will be referred to the Abyss and PK patience to Kane.First account for the next grade or pull off the assembly line after I had…

Descent in the past two died under a beast Aion

Javelin Well needless to say hurt on the ground with very considerable. The Descent, killing star of God explains the technology will not learn. 2, aion goldavoid the contract. 3, God speed contract. 4, hit the contract, it says a lot of the benefits. 5, the smoke should be avoided for the elite condemnation of…

aion moneytrading players like the game quickly to make

while I still have the status of their stealth skills. 7, javelin throw & spread of toxin, the obs I use coated poison dart down on the obs I change what is basically the fortress, when many people may be able to just hit play about the skills of the other sections to help the…

aion gold among the players can rely on their own actions

The task is to collect five task items, the task of source materials in the 51 single copy "Caspar inside", inside 3 small BOSS, kick down the tasks that will fall products. Meaning that the task can only collect three items, so at least the next two to complete copies of brand mission. Note: The…

buy Aion gold must be done in order to enter this third mission of the dragon world

The task is to collect five task items, the task of source materials in the 51 single copy "Caspar inside", inside 3 small BOSS, kick down the tasks that will fall products. Meaning that the task can only collect three items, so at least the next two to complete copies of brand mission. Note: The…

"Aion" is absolutely worthwhile experience a game!

 aion gold but the content is better than Fantasy numerous ... ... Summary: If the game client can be smaller, if the flight time can be longer, I think this game is really perfect ... ... "Aion" is absolutely worthwhile experience a game! Aion, a number of years, people look forward to the game, its biggest…

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