Gaia: "Mother or Lover"

The man at the very moment in which he became such,when he attains self-consciousness, he suffered a disconnect with the rest of nature, he lost balance and from that moment he is looking a new one, but to no avail .Back is neither possible nor desirable. That balance was lost forever. The only way to find another one is searching within himself.In a word GROW.When a man grows such he no longer seeks the mother, but he seeks the woman . I do not want to deny the obvious here that the earth is the mother (it would be like denying that the woman is a mother, or can be). I just think we should try to land a new approach, no longer like children but as LOVERS.I don’t use this word at random. It’s almost a way of saying “be lovers of nature,” but those words without thinking too have their way. The lover is one who loves, but is different from the person in love, which may also not be reciprocated. Being a lover implies action and therefore is necessarily reciprocated. So be a lover of the earth means to be loved by you, but above all is a feeling active, it is action, it is a concrete set of actions aimed at “cultivating” this love. A child does not choose mother’s love, for which it is somewhat passive, receives, it returns, but does nothing, not cultivated, it is “natural,” If it’s a good son when she will be old he will cure her. It is a law of nature that does not need anything else. Being lovers is far, but there is respect and this respect is different, not “duty” but felt, acted, built, constructed, cultivated. I do not intend to teach anyone anything.I’m thinking out loud. What I would like to share with you is the idea that perhaps the man suffers from a kind of Oedipus complex in relation to the earth and perhaps it should grow and try to get rid of.-Alex-