GeapSunrise R.E.S.G.

Pleiades 1 Messaggi 9 Febbraio 2021

Pleiades 1 Messaggi 9 Febbraio 2021 P1 Chiama Terran per il Riconoscimento delle Origini! Attenzione alle Chiamate in PVSE / Sde!! Divisions are finalized. Chargers announce themselves. Fears are explored and faced. Persecutions are mitigated by Christic Love. Duality is decreased. Over frequency is observed. Vibrant Schumann +++ eleven +++ Update of moral data. Unconscious releases started: 1/3 SPECIFIC LAYER >>>> 67% (non-regressive). Etheric Tower 1: Synchronization in multiplanes in completion: 69% (non-regressive). PVSE: +++++ Eleven. Quantum recreation started. Deep alignment authorized: 64% (non-regressive). *444-Local in definitive decline: infiltrations +++ started = 59% (non-regressive). Transformers elevate. Viruses are de-implanted. Freedom hooks are scattered. Galactic dances continue as Christ anchors. Mental triggers – continue to be exposed. Temporaneamente, fine della trasmissione. Pleiades 1 (POTENZIAMENTO DELLE FORZE HERMICHE)