
Life gene and character to fate

jordan shoes Modern science has confirmed, human genes, with people life related" longevity gene", and one size" gene", and the" health related disease gene", and people related to wealth wealth " gene", and" talent wisdom related gene", and people can be related to" gene", and" criminal behavior related gene", and" loyal character related gene", and" emotional marriage related gene", ... ...In fact, we can understand so, modern biology is through the" human" to the study of human destiny rule; and our Chinese traditional culture is through numerology" date of birth" to the study of human destiny rule, namely from time perspective to the study of the fate of the law.The date of birth why can depict the fate of the law? The reason is very simple, all things in the world are linked! Traditional Chinese numerology not only think that everything is connected, and can restrict each other, promote each other, each other, help, mutual transformation, what tell here everything included, empty, people, things, etc.We know, in our real life, we want to achieve a substance with another exchange is the use of" currency". Then, in numerology to achieve, empty, things and people, and the exchange with what? In the five row! Because the five elements is the essence of all things, is a matter of the! Because there are five lines, we can know the time of the mutual transformation, personnel and promote each other, and that their mutual transformation, promote each other" degree".If we further summarize our traditional numerology, not hard to know, from the standpoint of, it is the essence of science from the appearance of deduction; from the holographic view, it is deduced from local global science; from the random theory point of view, it is occasionally necessary scientific deduction from.