
Hero Online Guide: Information for PVP Armor Sets

That is a guide will show you what you should wear if your going to pvp at 80+ and 100+ in Hero Online. Have a look and hope that is helpful for you.80+: If you do not want to level(Hero Online Gold) anymore, do not buy BD armor as they will kill your whole income, start pvping at sp tav and other places like Stone Valley or maybe even Silent valley if your high enough to kill there. If you do not like the stats that you use, you can pay around 300m to restat to the best stats you can get.100+: You dominate everyone in any place, you can sell exp if they are trustworthy. If you are at this level(Hero Online powerleveling) and want to pk, get to level 110 and buy the level 110 weapons and admiral lees, obviously you should be rich enough.