
CLADAG Conference

Dear Cladag members,below you will find a reminder for the GfKl/DAGM/IFCS conference, Frankfurt a.M. 30.08-02.09.2011 - Call For Abstracts - extended to 30th April 2011.Kind regards,Andrea Cerioli==============================================================GfKl/DAGM/IFCS conference, Frankfurt a.M. 30.08-02.09.2011 - Call For Abstracts - extended to 30th April 2011We would like to draw your attention to the extended deadline for abstract submissionof GfKl/DAGM+IFCS symposium 2011.We will welcome your submission of original papers that strive tocontribute efforts on relevant issues of     "Algorithms from & for Nature and Life"Below we attach- a list of confirmed invited speakers and invited sessions        and- a list of conference topics.Important Dates / Deadlines30 April 2011: Deadline for abstract submission30 May 2011: Notification of acceptanceYou may also find detailed information on ourGfKl/DAGM+IFCS-symposium website: behalf of the organizersBerthold LausenAlfred Ultsch=================================================================List of confirmed invited plenary and semi-plenary speakersIFCS Symposium (30. August 2011)Bruce G. Lindsay (Penn State University, USA): "Revisiting projection pursuit."Gilles Celeux (Universite Paris-Sud, France): “Statistical inference for the latent block model: a review”Douglas Steinley (University of Missouri, USA): tbaGeoff McLachlan, IFCS president (University of Brisbane, Australia):  “A presidential address”DAGM/GfKl/IFCS (31. August – 2. September 2011)Donald Geman (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore): tbaArndt von Haeseler (Universitaet Wien, Austria): “How well does a phylogenetic tree represent the underlying data?”Yann Lecun (New York University, New York): tbaRichard Samworth (University of Cambridge, UK): “Optimal weighted nearest neighbour classifiers”GfKl/IFCS (31. August – 2. September 2011)Gunnar Carlsson (University of Stanford, USA): “Topology and Classification”Andrea Cerioli (University of Parma, Italy): “Multivariate outlier detection and robust clustering”Sylvia Fruehwirth-Schnatter (University of Linz, Austria): "tba"Willem Heiser (University of Leiden, Netherlands): "Clustering Methodology for Grouping of Variables".Carlos Gabriel Matrán (University of Valladolid, Spain): “Trimming: An adaptive and flexible way for Searching for a Clustering Pattern in presence of noise”Ilya Shabanov: "On Morphological Analysis of Neolithic Ceramics".Adilson Elias Xavier (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil):  “Solving Clustering Problems by the Hyperbolic Smoothing Approach”List of confirmed invited sessions:IFCS Symposium (30. August 2011) :“A session in memory of Jean-Pierre Barthelemy “organized by Bernard Fichet (Universite Aix-Marseille, France):Fred Mc Morris, Chicago. Provisional title " My work with Jean-Pierre and beyond."Alain Guénoche, Marseille. Title: "From individual categorisations to consensus ones."Patrice Bertrand, Paris. “Bijection between dissimilarities and stratified classification structures.”"Estimating and visualizing high-dimensional cluster structure" organized by Rebecca Nugent (Carnegie Mellon University):Brendan Murphy, University College Dublin: “tba”.Claire Gormley, University College Dublin: “tba”.Rebecca Nugent, Carnegie Mellon University: “tba”."Modern multidimensional unfolding" organized by Mark de Rooij (Leiden University, the Netherlands):Frank Busing, University of Leiden: “tba”.Katrijn van Deun, University of Leuven: “Sparse multidimensional unfolding”.Mark de Rooij, University of Leiden: “tba”."Latent class models" - organisers: Michele Costa (Università di Bologna) and Isabella Morlini (Università di Parma):Josè Dias, ISCTE - Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, Lisbon, Portugal: “tba”.Jan Bulla, University of Caen, France: “tba”.Luca De Angelis, University of Bologna, Italy: “tba”.GfKl/IFCS (31. August – 2. September 2011):"Current Issues in Cluster Analysis" – organiser  Gunter Ritter (Universität Passau):Agustín Mayo-Iscar (Valladolid/Spain): “New advances in robust clustering based on trimming”.Christian Hennig  (UCL): “Some issues in the aggregation of variables for dissimilarity-based clustering”.Florian Schwaiger  (Marburg): “Testing for the number of regimes in Markov dependent mixtures (HMMs)”."Item response theory in psychology and education" - organiser Christine Hohensinn (Universität Wien):Otto Walter (Universität Bielefeld) : “Non-parametric item response models for scale construction and adaptive testing".Thomas Rusch (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) : “Linear logistic models with relaxed assumptions in R: Implementation and Application".Andreas Frey (Kiel) : “Reporting Differentiated Literacy Results in PISA by using Multidimensional Adaptive Testing".Christine Hohensinn (Universität Wien) : “Detecting person heterogeneity in a large-scale orthographic test by Item Response models"."Dissimilarities and dissimilarity based methods" - organiser  Christian Hennig (UCL, London):tba"Systems biology" – organiser Hans Kestler (University of Ulm):tba==============================================================================Conference Topics:As example for the range of relevant topics to beaddressed at the conference see the following list ofintended sections. Contributed papers from scholarsand practitioners are invited on any of these topicsas well as on related ones. Suggestions for (theorganization of) additional topics are welcome.Topics include, but are not limited to:Applications in Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and BiologyBanking and FinanceBioinformatics and BiostatisticsBiomedical Data Analysis and ImagingBusiness and IndustryClassification, Discriminant Analysis and Supervised LearningClustering and Unsupervised LearningComplex Event ProcessingData Analysis in ArchaeologyGeospatial PlanningDatabionicsExploratory Data MiningGraphics and VisionImage Analysis and Computer VisionInformation Retrieval and Library ScienceKnowledge DiscoveryLinguistics and MusicologyMachine Learning and Pattern RecognitionMarketing and ManagementMedical and Health SciencesPsychology and Educational SciencesSocial Network AnalysisStatistical Data Analysis and ModelsSwarm SystemsText Mining, Web Mining, and Ontology LearningVisualization==============================================================================-- Andrea CerioliDepartment of Economics - Section of StatisticsUniversity of ParmaVia Kennedy 6, 43100 Parma, ItalyPhone: begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +39 0521 902491      end_of_the_skype_highlighting+39 0521 902491Fax: +39 0521 902375E-mail: