For so many years I worked and managed to get by making a living and by doing so be part of this modern world.All of a sadden I found myself lost, completely lost and with no ideas, I think I am in a bubble and I cannot get out of it.Sitting in front of my computer my brain asks questions and I do not have any answers.Maybe it is time to stop, maybe it is time to think, maybe it is time lo let go, but where and how can I do so when to simply move around I need money. If I use my car I need money, if I walk I cannot go much further but even if I stay I need to get warm and must put the central heating on.The bubble I have created around me protects me from everybody, no one can get in  but I cannot get out.It is easter time, time of suffering and remembering, time to get close with the one you love but  can I really do so, can I really burst my bubble and let people know that I am lonely and lost.People around look for guidance and for instructions but  I cannot do so, people around me look for help but I cannot do so.Maybe I should allow myself to dream and maybe in the dreams I can find the solution to my inner problem.My life has taken a road  with a double personality, in front of people I am the serious person who runs its life and everybody that surrounds him with efficency and perfection.But really I`m lost and I do not know what to do