Amateur "Ham" Radio - My Ham Radio experiences

A new, great webshop !!!

Hello everybody. Today I will tell you all about a GREAT, new, High End Audio webshop who sell NICE QUALITY product at FAIR prices.PE9PE Rob is a well know, kind and qualified person on Amateur Radio world, but not only !Believe me, this is a really nice webshop, where you WILL find great stuff at…


Ci sono alcune richieste per la riapertura del "Vintage Radio Club", ossia, sito web e relativo forum.Quello ERA il progetto per creare qualcosa di bello e di diverso.Credo sia inconfutabile che io l'impegno e risorse beh...non ho lesinato da nessuna parte.E' a dir poco palese la NON volonta' di fare cio' che ci si era…

Passo Giau : resoconto

Meeting in quel di Piazzale Roma tra me e il buon Cristiano all'ora prestabilita, come da manuale. Si sale quindi in autobus, carichi gia' di 2 zaini enormi...e carrettino con generatore, tanica eccetera. Ci stavamo rovinando la giornata per un moldavo scorbutico, privo di educazione, il quale stava asserendo che un distinto anziano signore, probabilmente…

The new "dx-pedition" !

Here we go ! Today we'll start a new "dx-pedition" on a mountain location called "Passo Giau". To know the right "spot" of the base camp plesase just look at the picture, refer to the "B" letter or the little red arrow ( right on the picture ) .I know, the picture looks like a…

Qrp / Pedestrian / Mobile

Tomorrow Sunday 11th i will be on Pedestrian QRP / Mobile from " S.Nicolo' " Lighthouse.Refer. ARLHS : ITA-113Refer. WAIL   : VE-004Refer. WAIS   : BK35'73 de IZ3SVI


Hello everyoneToday i'll start the reception of the SSTV also Telemetry by the new ARISSat so, if lucky, i will post details and/or pictures. As usual, stay tuned '73 de IZ3SVI

Why "Ham Radio" ?

HI,i'm Adrian, a 42 yrs old guy who live in Venice, wich is located on Northern-East part of Italy.Yap, i mean the lovely, historical town, filled by great monuments, mostly know 'cause S.Marco square...Rialto Bridge...and Gondola. But also 'cause this town get flooded every autumn-winter ( haha ).Basically i'm a normal, commonly person ( yes..i…