Le Spectre Errant

Post N° 174

Adoro la piccola biblioteca scolastica: comodi divani per chi vuole sonnecchiare leggendosi qualche libro o giornale in pace, computer a volonta` per ricerche in internet o solo per svago e tante scrivanie in legno ove poter scrivere i compiti in pace. Gli unici rumori sono il ticchettio dei tasti, le pagine che vengono girate e qualche chiacchiera silenziosa in sottofondo. E` un piacere passare la propria spare time in compagnia delle amiche ma e` ancor piu` bello se si sta in un posto accogliente come questo! L' unico aspetto negativo e` che nonsi puo` mangiare, altrimenti sarebbe perfetto ai miei occhi! While walking in the street you might not notice it: it's a common red-brick two-family house with a little garden on the back. But for me it's home, my new home. You can enter by the front door or by the garage but I prefer the garage, since there's no need of keys but just a simple code. The white garage-door opens and you find yourself in a small, with low ceiling, smelly room, actually quite dirty. On the left there's the door that leads inside. A few steps lead you to the red-wall kitchen, where you can always find something nice to eat and a bunch of mail scattered on the table. Next there's the dining room, used only for special occasions such as dinner with many friends, and a main room, complete with sofas and a big window looking on the street. Everywhere, photos and decorations. Up the stairs, which are close to the main entrance, there's the living room, the coziest room in the house: many fluffy couches, a comfortable footrest in the middle, shelves full of books with a great television, beautiful paintings on the wall and, also here, a window from where usually the dog looks out. Another staircase brings you in a small hallway with many doors at its sides. Our bedrooms are right here, all complete with double beds, wardrobes, private bathrooms and our personal accessories. Every wall here has been painted in a light beige color, so the atmosphere is quite relaxing. On the last floor we have the gym, where we spend our time exercising our bodies with different tools when we just are too sick of going out and only want to enjoy our house life. Altro compito per casa d'inglese. Questa e` la descrizione della mia nuova casetta! L'ho letta ad alta voce in classe oggi (il signor Moore chiede sempre se qualcuno vuole leggere il proprio lavoro) e devo dire che ne sono davvero soddisfatta! Mi sto impegnando davvero tanto in inglese, voglio recuperare tutto cio` che ho perso in questi ultimi tre anni, nulla togliendo alla mia prof. del liceo, la quale e` stata bravissima. Oddio.. Cosa vedono le mie povere pupille? Compito di matematica? Domani?!?