Le Spectre Errant

Post N° 185

La mia piccola creazione durante il fantstico Pajama Party della mia friend Mary-Lou! Sara` difficile da dimenticare, specie la partita a Monopoli! SLUMBER PARTY Today (tonight), 30 September 2005, last day of an intense first month of school, some students of the Pre-U year of the famous LCC organised an all night video watching! Since they’re smart minded, they spent the evening drinking Pepsi and Diet Pepsi (with a very high danger of getting cancer), eating chocolate cookies and playing Monopoli (forgetting about their friendship, they acted wildly, trying to steal money from each other and trying to get everybody else in prison) while watching the famous, enjoyable and green movie Shrek 2, starring Mary Poppins as the Queen of Far Far Away. It’s seems that the vision of Finding Nemo has calmed them down, but where pretty scared of what is going to happen later, during the Mean Girls film. Are they gonna start to act mean?!? We’ll gonna see! Stay with us! Slumber Freaks: -Marie-Louise (Mary-Lou) -Giorgia (Miyu) -Rachelle Mad Slumber Party Location: Mary-Lou's Maison, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Uhm.. Miss Mary-Lou is busy with her homework (note, it’s friday night..), Miss Rachelle is rather fascinated by the book Stick Figure. In the meanwhile Miss Miyu seems to be the only one giving serious attention to the movie. Nemo has just rescued a bank of tunas who didn’t even thank him. Well, at least his story has an happy ending! The last song sounds nice! Oh, looks like the made-of-money-young women are counting their Monopoli encomes. -Mary-Lou Hotel Enterprise: 3044 $ -Rachelle Jail Business: 1886 $ -Miyu It’s My Turn Company: 626 $ It’s obviously obvious that the Hotel Enterprise has won the competition. But we have a theory: Miss Mary-Lou had put a video on which distracted Miss Miyu and continuosly charged with taxes Miss Rachelle and, most important and suspicious, she’s playing in her home. The suspect’s alive. But the other two gamblers don’t seem to care about money any more (movies and books captured all their attention). Ah! Mean Girls is finally on! The vision of the attended dvd captured the 3 girls and led them into the commonly called Girl World, all pink, full of fashion and rumors. Miss Miyu decided to wax her legs so to become more feminine, for example. The other two committed themselves into the well-known “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” show, ignoring the “feminine influence” that had spreaded into the room. The competition is indeed competitive: we have been informed that this time it’s Miss Rachelle who seem’s to be winning, followed by Miss Mary-Lou and, always last, Miss Miyu, pretending to be far too concentrated on her computer so to hide her ignorance. Chitter-chats until 3 am, when finally the ladies fell asleep, a part from Miss Mary-Lou who, we believe, continued her homework (other suspicions rose, since she won the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” contest). Now that they woke up, Miss Rachelle's mind has been stolen by the book she was reading also the last night while Miss Mary-Lou seem’s addicted to her homework and Miss Miyu is still using her computer. Miss Rachelle left. She went to accomplish her duty, while the two italian girls decided to go to the Open Day at LCC, to cheer their football team who, unfortunately, lost the game, maybe distracted by the presence of the two esotic beauties. They drank their Diet Pepsi and probably now a cancer is developing in their innocent bodies. Pray for them. The Party ended with the return of the girls at Mary-Lou's Maison and guess what? They’re doing homework, with the Shrek 2 Movie Sound Track! And this is how the Slumber Party ended, and we have no more to say. THE END Just for now! Eh, e` stato divertente! Davvero davvero! Ringrazio la mia very italian friend per l'ospitalita`! L'unica stranezza e` stato non aver Rocky in giro.. Povero piccinooooo! Ah, a scuola ho visto un sacco di cani meravigliosi! Sono andata ad accarezzarne un po', erano semplicemente di-vi-ni!!! Sono una dog-lover!