Progetti Geologici

Una Poesia

THE SCORPION’S TALE Life under the volcano always remains a risk when the peace and tranquillity - which has reigned for tens, hundreds or even thousands of years - can be overturned in moments, by a show of natural thunderous fireworks, which will change the landscape forever.This is not to say that the dark shadow, which lays waste to everything that comes before its glowing fire is beyond redemption. At the edge of destruction, amongst the ashes, there is always a new beginning.From a force seen only to destroy, seeds of life will emerge, encouraged by the hot sulphurous springs that ascend through scorched and blackened earth. Only the most hardy souls know the benefits that a volcano can bring.Time, the great healer, can never restore life as it existed before but, helped by the sun, ice, the wind and the waves, it will gently break down hard, unforgiving rock into rich and fertile soil. Fear may linger, but against this must be balanced faith and hope. If these are lost, death will follow, for the very source of life is gone forever.