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The Millionaire: nella versione italiana la destra indù diventa mussulmana

Il film è bellissimo, ma nella versione italiana il protagonista perda la sua connotazione mussulmana e la madre, che nella verità viene colpita da degli ultra nazionalisti indù, per noi è colpita da dei mussulmani. Ho scritto alle case produttrici perchè prendano una presa di posizione ufficiale.Dear Celador Films,
I'm writing to you because I love Slumdog Millionaire. I think it's a very special movie that can speak about the most important problems of our word in a very easy way.I'm worried about only one things, surelly you know that in the Italian version of the movie there is a big mistake of translation. When the mother of Jamal die there is a voice that says: "They are muslims, let's escape". You think that Jamal and his family are hindi people hit for muslim integrist. And all the movie changed because you don't understand why Jamal sees Rama. The English version says "They are muslims, get them".At the Boston Globe Danny Boyle replyed to the question about the importance of the Islamic faith of Jamal saying: "It's very important in the beginning, because his mother is killed in a riot, a religious riot, prompted by right-wing Hindu nationalists."I'm asking you to make a public statement, or Danny Boyle can do it, saying that this part must be changed. In Italy there are a lot of little discrimination for muslims people, is important to avoid this too.Thank's a lot,Roberto