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WP all Import unrecognized date format

I recently used the Wordpress plugin WP all import to import my articles from Drupal to Wordpress in csv format. To export the content from drupal I installed the module Entity Export CSV.It was important to me to keep the creation date. The above module allows that, but unfortunately WP all import on the new…

Dual monitor in Compiz

I'm Running KDE Plasma ver. 5.something. As window manager I use Compiz instead of Kwin. I want to run 2 monitors, different make, same resolution, as if there were separated monitors. In other word, every monitor with its own windows, widgets, desktop background etc.First try to achive this, in KDE's system settings, under Screen's configurations,…

Set the size of windows' scrollbar in XFCE

Often I had to deal with small size scrollbars in the windows under XFCE. The following can by applied to all the DEs which use gtk 3.Under your home folder create the file .config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css and add the following lines:scrollbar, scrollbar button, scrollbar slider {    min-width: 15px;    min-height: 15px;}Save the file, logout and login again…

Open Letter to the European Commission

Since 2020, Next Generation Internet (NGI) programmes, part of European Commission’s Horizon programme, fund free software in Europe using a cascade funding mechanism (see for example NLnet’s calls). This year, according to the Horizon Europe working draft detailing funding programmes for 2025, we notice that Next Generation Internet is not mentioned any more as part…

Multiple ssl certificates for Postfix &Dovecot with Let's Encrypt

In the need of configuring my email server with 2 different domains (not subdomains), therefore with 2 different ssl certificates, I found out it is possible to use let's engrypt certificates (which I already have and use for other services). I assume that Let's encrypt certificates are installed in the default folder /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain_name/ I use…

Gimp crash with cut & past image

C'è un bug noiosissimo che affligge Gimp da anni. In modo randomico, crasha quando si effettua una qualsiasi operazione su di un'immagine. O meglio, non tutte le operazioni, ma alcune particolari, anche se vengono ripetute dopo riavvio del programma. L'errore causa la distruzione della finestra di Gimp.gimp 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'...the error was 'BadWindow (invalid…

php-fpm senza systemd Debian style

Il 2024 è l'anno di usrmerge, simpatica utility che una volta installata (automaticamente) sulla vostra distro Linux, sposta tutti i binari di /bin e /sbin in /usr/bin ed /usr/sbin. Ora, cosa accade se per qualche motivo il trasferimento non va in porto? Semplice, potete buttare la vostra installazione! Ancora non capisco perché la gran parte…

Pinephone review: Sailfish OS

SailfishOS revealed itself as a nice surprise to me . I already had seen it on an Xperia before, therefore I already have had a first impact with the GUI. I installed it on a microSD. Til a year ago, in the installer for the Pinephone there was an annoying bug which prevented the install…

Controllare livello dell'inchiostro della stampante su Linux

Installare i seguenti pacchetti:inklibinklevel5Per una stampante usb digitare nel terminale:# ink -p usb

Pinephone review: Rhino Linux beta

From Pinephone's Wiki :Rhino Linux is an Ubuntu-based distribution that uses the rolling-release model by tracking the devel branch of repositories. The target are developers and advanced users. Download it from Rhino Linux Downloads (select Pine64 on the dropdown.As an advanced user (), I downloaded the image and installed it on a microSD card. The boot…

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