
Plurk share button for Drupal 7

The following is the code which I've written to get a function like Twitter button, but for Plurk. It has been created (and works) on Drupal, but with some minor changes should work on any PHP page. The core point is the url where you'll be redirected after clicking on the Plurk button.  The codeI assume you have an html element, like an image, or a Plurk icon on your web page, where the people must click. You have to associate the following code to that icon or image:<a title="Click to share on Plurk!" href=";status=http://mywebsite&lt;?php print url($_GET['q']) . ' '. $title ; ?&gt;" target="_blank">Plurk This!</a>This catches the ttle and url of the web pages you're viewing and send them to Plurk website for sharing it. You can customize it following your needs.