
Flickr API moved to https. Gwenview, Digikam can't export to Flickr anymore

Since the change in Flickr's APIs, all the programs which provided uploads of images to Flickr didn't work anymore. This is also the case of Gwenview and Digikam, two widely used application for managing pictures included in KDE.The problem has been already solved by KDE's devs, and distros like ArchLinux and Mageia already provide patched packages in their repos. This is not the case of Ubuntu/Kubuntu however, which after many months still didn't patch the Kipi-plugins package, necessary for uploading the pictures. Struggling with this trouble for many months, today I've finally faound a Kubuntu Personal Package Archives which provides an updated digikam package with all its dependencies, included the needed kipi-plugins (by the way, the incriminated file is, located in /usr/lib/kde4)The url is: you want to install those packages, you'll first need to add that repository to your system:# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/kubuntu-backportsthen provide your passord and update the list of your repositories:# sudo apt-get update#sudo apt-get upgradeLast:# sudo apt-get install digikamThe last will install digikam and its dependencies; this will allow also the other application which use kipi-plugins to let you upload media content to Flickr as beforeRemember that on the first time you'll upload something, the application will ask you to connect to your Flickr account and provide the permission to connect it to your Flickr account, or, in other words, the permission to upload your pictures to Flickr.Mind that adding a private repository like the one mentioned before, could mess your system. Just do it if you know what you're doing!