
Drush on Openshift

Because often, despite the quick start procedure, Openshift isn't able to correctly deploy a fresh Drupal 7 installation (for example doesn't provide the default user and password), we can try to install drush (another missing feature). After logging in through ssh to your application, add to app-root/data/.bash_profile:PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"Now we install drush through composer:composer global require drush/drush:7.*Dont'worry about composer complaining that it's not updated.Re-read your bash_profile so that the installation path of drush will be known by the system:. app-root/data/.bash_profileAll done, now drush should be in your PATH and you can verify by typing the command drush --helpIf anything went wrong, check, like other bugs on Drpal installation on Openshift, has been already claimed to be solved several times, but as I've experimented, it's not...