
Pinephone review: Manjaro

I installed Manjaro with Phosh on a microSD. The version is the beta 30. Previously I tested the images I found inside the multidistro image (older), focusing on the Plasma version. That's why today I choose Phosh for my review.The installation was easy; I went through the initial setup to configure language, wifi etc without any problem. Note that Manjaro doesn't offer to encrypt the phone during the setup.
Mobile network, wifi and GPS work. About the last one, I used the Gnome Maps app to check my position (there's the old Navit in the repo too). It was quick enough to reveal my position. Unfortunately it was about 2Km far away from my real position. If you red some of my other reviews about the Pinephone, you already know  that the location service doesn't work well (when it works). I'm not an expert, I also red about a sort of fix to be applied from the cli, but when I gave a try to that fix I didn't solve completely the situation, maybe a bit better, but who knows, there are many variables. Moreover the Pinephone makes use of the Mozilla location service (BT, wifi proximity..). Imho is a satellite - GPS issue. If you want to know in which continent you are, it's fine, otherwise if you need more accuracy you have to find another solution. I don't want to start a flame
, I'm just reporting the same common situation for almost all the available distros.Calls in & out OK, I didn't test SMS.Installing and removing sw from the app works smoothly. I installed VLC and... also the UPNP service in my LAN works!!
Nice!As usual some tweaks are needed for some app to avoid them spanning outside the screen.The (Gnome) Calendar app went under some improvements in the last months. Now we should be able to add our custum online calendar URL (not only those of the well known big peepers). Unfortunately, just after typing "https://", the app crashes
.Among the online accounts, you can also add your imap/smtp account and Kerberos. No xmpp 
Note that all this concerns Phosh, not Manjaro. Same stuff in the other distros with Phosh.The camera works too; I took some pics inside with the front camera, but the image looks  greenish (maybe just need to manually set the ISO). The resolution looks good, from the small screen of the phone.There is a nice antispam (for calls) app, but I didn't test it. Also has a Battery app, with infos about charge, voltage, etc.Basically the number of preinstalled apps on Manjaro is higher than PostmarketOS, for example, and apart from the most common, there are others like the Sound recorder or system informations which seldom are selected for a basic Pinephone image.The language support reflects more or less the one of PostmarketOS - Phosh, since they share the same interface. Same problems.Respect to some months ago, when I tested for a while the Plasma version of Manjaro, I'm quite satisfied with this beta 30 with Phosh. It looks robust, until now I didn't experiment any freeze or crash, neither by rotating the screen neither, by resuming from suspend (the first one was an issue for me before, with Plasma). Responsiveness is among the best for Pinephone's distros